"The Truth as I see it."American Governance Both systems concurrently exist today. However, the corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years. Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure. Which one do You want for Yourself, Your family, and Your posterity? Once you learn the difference, You may have to make a decision for Yourself, Your family, and Your posterity. That decision will require changes in how you conduct yourself. You will have to undo what has been done to make your Sovereign status known. This is not taught in the corporate government's public school system, because you are not to know. The "One World government" system wants and needs to have power and control over the population (masses) they call "Human Resources." http://www.usavsus.info/ CLICK"The Truth as I see it." No. 2 Updated The Twenty-second day of the Twelfth month, anno Domini Two thousand fourHIERARCHY Who submits to who?In each vertical column, the one above is superior to those below. The one below is subject, subordinate, or submissive to those above.There are two plans. The column on the left is the original, organic plan that began with the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation to keep people free and whereby the people have control over the limited governments created and established by the people to serve the people. The column on the right is the corporate government system that is prevalent today created by an elite group to enslave and control the people. Which column do you want to be in?Plan B is basically an inverted counterfeit of Plan A and the powers to be can only govern its fictional creations such as persons (corporations, organizations, trusts, partnerships, STRAWMAN, etc.) and fictional overlays of the real land producing a new venue and jurisdiction. Men and woman become subjects when they contract with "Plan B" and a fictional person is created called the "STRAWMAN." Keep in mind that an all capital letter name and or middle initial constitutes or signifies a fiction. http://gemworld.com/USAvsUS-2.html CLICKWe are embroiled in a great cultural war – a clash of worldviews. One is the Judeo- Christian worldview, the other is human secularism/cultural Marxism. Only one will eventually win. CLICKCLICK GET YOUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER YOU CAN CONTACT PASTOR BUTCH PAUGH @Call to Decision MinistriesPastor Butch Paugh224 Hurd Rd.,Nettie, WV 26681Feel free to contact Pastor Butch with any questions or concerns at:Phone: 304-846-4448Email: [email protected]
Rendering Unto Caesar Part 1 CLICK LINK
Rendering Unto Caesar Part 2 CLICK LINK
Rendering Unto Caesar Part 3 CLICK LINK
Are We Humanists Part 1 CLICK LINK
Are We Humanists Part 2 CLICK LINK
Are We Humanists Part 3 CLICK LINK
Righteous Government Part 1 CLICK LINK
Righteous Government Part 2 CLICK LINK
If you like what you see please request a Call To Decision Newsletter! Like you this man is trying to change the direction of this nation for the glory of our Father Yahweh. They are free until you think they’re worth your donation. It cost him $5-7.00 to publish and mail. [email protected] here is his address for the request if you like.A Visitor from the PastPoem about American Freedom and Independence from Patriot author Thelen Paulk I put this audio together with a photo collage for you to enjoy. And maybe inspire you to stand up as the Sovereign you are.Gun Owners of America CLICK
8001 Forbes Pl Suite 102
Springfield VA 22151
PH: 703-321-8585
FX: 703-321-8408
[email protected]
Who Is GOA?CLICK "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."
-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
That was then this is now!!! Gun Rights - Ron Paul Video CLICKThe Mass Psychology of Fascism. He mentioned something that I thought was a profound insight. He said, essentially, that “We, as communists, used to debate people about the existence of God and after a while, I came to a conclusion that this was a waste of time. You aren’t going to debate people away from the existence of God. But what we found was that if you get people involved in deviant sexual behavior, the whole idea of God just disappears automatically.†Wilhelm Reich MIND DEPROGRAMMING VIDEO JUKEBOX
Click first Alex Jones documentaries and video clips. Next click Rockefeller admitted elite goal of microchipped population by Arron Russo.
Welcome to the Activist Center!
CLICK THE LINK!!Under the right circumstances, people can be led to believe things that are not true. The world of Orwell's "1984" arrived unnoticed in America. Psychological warfare is being waged against an unsuspecting public through the control of mass media and the altering of public education.Click pic to self educate yourself!Mass Mind Control Through Network Television Are Your Thoughts Your Own?
By Alex Ansary
Outside The Box
Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
TerrorStorm is Jones' latest, a disturbing look at how the U.S. and British governments may have had a direct hand in events like 9-11 and the July 2005 London bombings, and it is that underlying theme that will probably cause most people to dismiss this is as goofy paranoid ramblings meant to sell books and videos—also known more commonly as said the nut point of view. But Jones' presentation here isn't just simple Bush-bashing for the sake of Bush-bashing, because the facts do seem odd, and they do seem questionable, and if nothing else they may make you think for a moment. I guess for some it will be easy to shrug off Jones as a raving nutball, but if you're not willing to at least listen then you're doing yourself a disservice.There is an attempt at a little connective history here that draws parallels between Nazi tactics and those of the current U.S. government to control the populace by fear, and that's just during the opening minutes. Those are some mighty hefty salvos being tossed around, and by the time Jones repeatedly mentions how 9-11 "was a self-inflicted wound and an inside job"—focusing on things like an apparent stream of suspicious molten material dripping from one of the Twin Towers or the suspicious collapse of WTC Building 7—it is clear that he is not making veiled allusions, but blunt accusations.I'm no stranger to conspiratorial thinking or the aforementioned point of view, and I don't necessarily think a lot of what Jones touts is especially far from the truth. Even with that admission, I've never really accepted the notion that our government executed the 9-11 attacks as a vehicle to induce fear and gain power, simply because I don't want to believe that. Who really wants to believe that? Well, Jones, for one. He is adamant about getting the word out, and even if comes across a little abrasive (at times he's like an ber-left Rush Limbaugh), the things he talks about do seem potentially plausible.I'm a firm believer that it's necessary to look at all sides of a subject in order to help form one's own perceptions and opinions. If you're not willing to look at the other side, you're just closing your eyes and sticking your head in the sand, and you're destined to be woefully uninformed. No matter what the subject.When it comes to global governmental conspiracies—particularly concerning the United States—you can easily call Alex Jones a paranoid nut if you want, but you should at least listen to what he has to say. The concepts are undeniably scary, the information presented seems theoretically plausible, and all it takes is one look at history to know that it's not like it has never happened before.And I always like a guy who rattles the beehive.Click pic to self educate yourself!
Most important video I have ever seen on 911
.. ..
Demand 9-11 Truth: http://www.911truth.org/ Sign the petitions on the site, which include: The 9/11 widows/widowers petitions seeking a new, independent investigation, and another to force the government to release all of the currently sealed documents pertaining to September 11. I also urge everyone to sign the Sibel Edmonds petition which seeks a congressional hearing to look into her evidence of high-level government corruption--possibly involving 9/11. She is an FBI government whistleblower who was fired for coming forward with evidence of this corruption. "Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged person in American history. The government has repeatedly invoked the State Secrets Privilege in her case - not for reasons of national security, but to cover up criminal activity. Of course, if they can get away with that in Edmonds' case, they have a blank check to do it again and again." http://www.911truth.org/article.php?s...Video: Evidence of many explosions at WTC are well documented: Audio, video, and first-hand knowledge of such explosions are presented in this clip. However, this only scratches the surface. There are over 100 surviving members of the FDNY who claim to have heard/seen explosions all throughout the buildings. If over 300 firemen had not perished in the obviously unexpected collapse of the buildings, I'm sure the number of those providing testimony of this would surely be much higher.
Kindly, may I redirect your attention to my blogs. Reading my blogs should give you some idea of who you’re dealing with. I'm not going to sugar coat who I am. I'm Tim all the time!
Complicated, Yea maybe. But not if your capable of understanding and holding yourself to a set of standards.A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing."We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party."In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to install in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." Israel Cohen, a leading Communist in England, in his 'A Racial Program For The 20th Century (1912).' Quoted by Congressman Abernathy, Congressional Record, June 7, 1957, p. 8559Three pronged program. Basically the program is to instill hatred among the African-Americans for the Whites - the "Kill Whitey" obsession; at the same time promote "love" and "brotherhood" for African-Americans among the Whites; instill a paralyzing guilt complex in the Whites to the point they would stupidly do anything to placate the African-Americans.Click the link above of Israel Cohen to watch the video of North America’s premier East-Indian comic Russell Peters who explains how domesticated and "DOCILE" the white chattels are in AmeriKa today. Training was provided by mass media and public education. Absolutely brilliant self inflicted sanitized genocide. INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE.Russell Peters - Racism Everywhere Russell tries to console the white members of the audience about racism. .. Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage By Henry Makow Ph.D. – November 12, 2005"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." -Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, apparently printed by the 'La Revue de Paris', page 574, June 1, 1928 This speech was delivered by Willie Lynch on the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712. Lynch was a British slave owner in the West Indies. He was invited to the colony of Virginia in 1712 to teach his methods to slave owners there. The term “lynching†is derived from his last name.Read this and notice the similarities in today’s psychological mind control conditioning minus the brutality and see how slavery has modernized to create self inflicted genocide by interbreeding so as to destroy ones own culture regardless of RACE!Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bullwhip on her to extract that last bit of [b----] out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economics. When in complete submission, she will train her offsprings in the early years to submit to labor when they become of age. Understanding is the best thing. Therefore, we shall go deeper into this area of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking process of the female nigger. We have reversed the relationship; in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her. Nature had provided for this type of balance. We reversed nature by burning and pulling a civilized nigger apart and bullwhipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence. By her being left alone, unprotected, with the MALE IMAGE DESTROYED, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychologically dependent state to a frozen, independent state. In this frozen, psychological state of independence, she will raise her MALE and female offspring in reversed roles. For FEAR of the young male’s life, she will psychologically train him to be MENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, but PHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE nigger MAN BEHIND AND SCARED. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economics. Before the breaking process, we had to be alertly on guard at all times. Now, we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear his woman stands guard for us. He cannot get past her early slave-molding process. He is a good tool, now ready to be tied to the horse at a tender age. By the time a nigger boy reaches the age of sixteen, he is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of sound and efficient work and the reproduction of a unit of good labor force. Continually through the breaking of uncivilized savage niggers, by throwing the nigger female savage into a frozen psychological state of independence, by killing the protective male image, and by creating a submissive dependent mind of the nigger male slave, we have created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re-shifts the position of the male and female slaves. We show what we mean by example. Take the case of the two economic slave units and examine them close.THE NEGRO MARRIAGEWe breed two nigger males with two nigger females. Then, we take the nigger male away from them and keep them moving and working. Say one nigger female bears a nigger female and the other bears a nigger male; both nigger females—being without influence of the nigger male image, frozen with a independent psychology—will raise their offspring into reverse positions. The one with the female offspring will teach her to be like herself, independent and negotiable (we negotiate with her, through her, by her, negotiates her at will). The one with the nigger male offspring, she being frozen subconscious fear for his life, will raise him to be mentally dependent and weak, but physically strong; in other words, body over mind. Now, in a few years when these two offsprings become fertile for early reproduction, we will mate and breed them and continue the cycle. That is good, sound and long range comprehensive planning.WARNING: POSSIBLE INTERLOPING NEGATIVESEarlier, we talked about the non-economic good of the horse and the nigger in their wild or natural state; we talked out the principle of breaking and tying them together for orderly production. Furthermore, we talked about paying particular attention to the female savage and her offspring for orderly future planning, then more recently we stated that, by reversing the positions of the male and female savages, we created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever unless a phenomenon occurred and reshifts positions of the male and female savages. Our experts warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and re-correct itself over a period of time if it can touch some substantial original historical base; and they advised us that the best way to deal with the phenomenon is to shave off the brute’s mental history and create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions, so that each illusion will twirl in its own orbit, something similar to floating balls in a vacuum. This creation of multiplicity of phenomena of illusions entails the principle of crossbreeding the nigger and the horse as we stated above, the purpose of which is to create a diversified division of labor; thereby creating different levels of labor and different values of illusion at each connecting level of labor. The results of which is the severance of the points of original beginnings for each sphere illusion. Since we feel that the subject matter may get more complicated as we proceed in laying down our economic plan concerning the purpose, reason and effect of crossbreeding horses and niggers, we shall lay down the following definition terms for future generations. Orbiting cycle means a thing turning in a given path. Axis means upon which or around which a body turns. Phenomenon means something beyond ordinary conception and inspires awe and wonder. Multiplicity means a great number. Means a globe. Crossbreeding a horse means taking a horse and breeding it with an ass and you get a dumb, backward, ass long-headed mule that is not reproductive nor productive by itself. Crossbreeding niggers mean taking so many drops of good white blood and putting them into as many nigger women as possible, varying the drops by the various tone that you want, and then letting them breed with each other until another circle of color appears as you desire. What this means is this: Put the niggers and the horse in a breeding pot, mix some asses and some good white blood and what do you get? You got a multiplicity of colors of ass backward, unusual niggers, running, tied to backward ass long-headed mules, the one productive of itself, the other sterile. (The one constant, the other dying, we keep the nigger constant for we may replace the mules for another tool) both mule and nigger tied to each other, neither knowing where the other came from and neither productive for itself, nor without each other.CONTROLLED LANGUAGECrossbreeding completed, for further severance from their original beginning, WE MUST COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE THE MOTHER TONGUE of both the new nigger and the new mule, and institute a new language that involves the new life’s work of both. You know language is a peculiar institution. It leads to the heart of a people. The more a foreigner knows about the language of another country the more he is able to move through all levels of that society. Therefore, if the foreigner is an enemy of the country, to the extent that he knows the body of the language, to that extent is the country vulnerable to attack or invasion of a foreign culture. For example, if you take a slave, if you teach him all about your language, he will know all your secrets, and he is then no more a slave, for you can’t fool him any longer, and BEING A FOOL IS ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF ANY INCIDENTS TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SLAVERY SYSTEM. Click to Link.
I wander why time has forgotten these terms that describe what one is? Definitely an agenda to create a creature with no identity that would be subservient. Referenced from Webster's 1828 Online Dictionary. It is an observation of reality. These are descriptions.
MULAT'TO , n. [L. mulus, a mule.] A person that is the offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro.
NEGRESS , n. [See Negro.] A female of the black race of Africa.
NEGRO , n. [It is remarkable that our common people retain the exact Latin pronunciation of this word, neger.] A native or descendant of the black race of men in Africa. The word is never applied to the tawny or olive colored inhabitants of the northern coast of Africa, but to the more southern race of men who are quite black.
QUADROON' , n. [L. quadra, quatuor.] In Spanish America, the offspring of a mulatto woman by a white man; a person quarter-blooded.
SAM'BO , n. The offspring of a black person and a mulatto.
See also:
black blackly
The Meaning of Mulatto click
Tormented soul.
My mother is white. My father is black. But I have never known what I am. I used to define myself as multiracial, an eleven-letter, four-syllable, politically correct, trendy word.
I don't want to offend anyone by using the term mulatto. I realize that some people see it as a degrading description for children of biracial couples. But I defy critics to come up with a better term-one that is not an obvious comparison to animals, as well as one that is not hopelessly ambiguous, like "multiracial."
Others may ask why I feel the need to find any term that describes my background and my appearance. And to those people I would say: Isn't it obvious? We live in a world where race is an integral part of one's identity. I just want to know who I am.
by Erin Bannister Truly a child with a knowledgeable spirit capable of discerning TRUTH. Click
It is true the mulatto child is not to blame for their parents sins . click
Do different races have the authority to change what Gd created with their mixed offspring? Why is the media promoting biracial couples so prominently? It’s proliferating in society and alienates them and their offspring. I tend to question the motive when I see the media pushing something so hard."Qui bono"The color is not the problem it is the culture, carnal sin and degeneracy that interests me. Most of all the total disregard for ones own heritage for personal pleasure and self gratification.
I'm striving to be an "American Christian Constitutional Republican Patriot" Having difficulty discarding my dialectical materialistic mindset the mass media has programmed me for decades though. Just look at my page says how heavily influenced by metal and gorgeous pornographic women. Communist mass molding didn't take to me. Teenage years I fell for the sex, drugs and rockin roll philosophy. Come to find out it was started by a communist in this nation named eugenicist Alfred C. KinseyIn 1948, the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University was led by eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey, whose sex research shook America's moral foundation and launched the 1960's Sexual Revolution. Fifty years later new revelations confirm Dr. Judith's Reisman's 1981 expose of scientific fraud and criminally derived data contained in the publicly funded Kinsey Reports. Dr. Reisman's revealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof laboratory built to his specifications at Indiana University, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was scientific protocol for Kinsey's 1948 report. Dr. Reisman discloses for the first time the ongoing consequences to the American people and the world based on Kinsey's deliberately skewed research. Kinsey died in 1956 but his Institute endures today under the expanded title "The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction," suggesting an even more ominous threat to human rights and liberty.Important influences on our society were Communist Theorist like Bertrand Russell, Theodore Adorno, Erich Fromm, Max Horkheimer, Sigmund Freud, Antonio Gramsci, Georg Lukacs, Ferdinand de Saussure's, Laura Mulvey, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Herbert Marcuse, Professor Leo Strauss Leon Trotsky. and Edward L. Bernays
There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
Starving for any vestige of my lineage I’m Scottish/Irish but have no sense of heritage or tradition in this broken nation.
History Channel Mind Control: America's Secret War
People WAKE UP!! We are being made into mindless, controlled, skeptical numbered chattel. That is what they want us to be, ignorant to everything they do, which is hidden in plain sight. Realize everything they FEED you on TV isn’t the truth. Love your sex, music, sports and beer?
Blind Nationalism factor. Click TEXT!
Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, (Edmonton 2006-07-21)
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien expose the Federal Government's involvement in Mind Control projects, research, and abuse of its' own ... all people. This is the National Shame of the United States Federal Goverment. Mark and Cathy tell all and underscore the insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and many others to this nightmarish horror it has inflicted upon millions of people in the United States.
Mark touches on the sources and history of mind control while Cathy unveils publicly the horrors she and her family have been subjected to, horrors which continue to this day. Her story will not only infuriate you, but will educate you to the reality of US mind control.
Click TEXT!