Steven Vasquez for Congress (NY 21st District) profile picture

Steven Vasquez for Congress (NY 21st District)


About Me

Visit Steven's Congressional Campaign website at:
Steven Vasquez is a born and bred New Yorker and has spent half his life living in the Capital District. Steven understands the challenges of living in one of the highest taxed states in the United States and the burden it has on people and small business. As a natural problem solver, Steven attacks issues with solutions that best address both sides with emphasis on benefiting the people, whether it’s the customer in business or constituents when elected. Steven is a strategist, often looking at long term consequences of actions for overall benefit rather than just looking at short-term gains that lead to long term fiscal irresponsibilities that current politicians favor.
Steven went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY where he received his undergraduate degree in B.S. Electrical Engineering, with a minor in business and psychology. He forged forward towards dual masters degrees in M.Eng Computer Networks and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), with a concentration in Entrepreneurship in the Lally School of Business. Steven always knew since he was 11 years old that he wanted to start a business and create products that satisfy people. That drive led him to start a business called ReQuest right after college. Steven invented the consumer media server back in 1997 with the AudioReQuest MP3 home digital music system, five years before Apple released the iPod. ReQuest is now a successful business that employs over 40 people in the Capital District, and is an important member of the growing Tech Valley community.
In a time when the economy is suffering and the strength of the US dollar is falling fast, Steven is committed to serve the best interests of his fellow New Yorkers. Congress steals from senior citizens and future generations in order to pay for its out of control spending. In less than 20 years, the federal government will be bankrupt, and that is the largest threat to National Security that America faces today, by far. The government will no longer have funds to defend our borders or to repay its commitments to senior citizens and veterans. No other candidate or local official is brave enough to attack this problem head on, instead choosing to stick their heads in the sand and distract us with steroid use in baseball.
Steven will attack these issues head on to prevent an economic collapse of the United States the likes of which occurred to the Soviet Union in the 1980s, while protecting the commitments to senior citizens, veterans, and the American taxpayer. Voting Principles Steven will take on these issues and vote on all bills by following these guidelines:1) Will this bill benefit the American taxpayer?2) Can the American taxpayer afford this bill?And most importantly:3) Does this bill uphold to the Constitution of the united States of America?Special Advantages for Steven's Congressional Campaign in NY 21st District:
1) Open Seat - Congressman McNulty, the incumbent, is retiring. Incumbents statistically wins 98% of the time, so this is a great opportunity for a Freedom Slate candidate.
2) Inexpensive Single Media Market - Unlike some districts where there are several cities with different media markets, the 21st has a single inexpensive media market, where every dollar raised for TV or radio ads reaches the entire voting block.
3) Endorsed by Ron Paul:
"I am pleased to endorse Steven Vasquez for Congress. We need Steven in Washington to help advance the agenda of those of us committed to limited government. Steven has valuable experience in business as a successful entrepreneur in Tech Valley. Steven's experience is critical in advancing the goals of fixing the economy by balancing the budget, cutting wasteful Washington spending, and combating inflation. We believe these polices, together with tax reduction and regulatory reform, will protect our economy from serious problems. I believe electing Steven Vasquez will be a big part of advancing these policies."

My Interests

Freedom Slate Instructions:

Click on the contribute button below or visit Steven's Campaign Site at and donate to restore freedom.
If the website is not available due to traffic, donate directly on Paypal to [email protected].

I'd like to meet:

All freedom loving individuals who would like to help with my campaign. Please visit