~Make Bike Polo happen,~
~~where ever you are!~~
Weekly Update;
April 20th 7am-11am
Tucson BikeSwap Then;
UofA mall (East grass)
4-20-2008 11am-4:19pm
~420~Party@ CHEBA HUT;
(UofA mall 12pm)
(East of Cherry&3rd)
1-31-8 the game was fuk'n awsome! Dejay got some little net goals! !!Sorry!!, about malleting you in the eye Dejay!
2-8-8; Thanks for coming out to play Andy!(Michigan BikePolo)
Next week is on!
*No Saturday games*
~this is old school!~;
It was Fun as Shhh!
Oct.6(Sat)KeggerBikePolo @ HimmelPark!
SouthEast side of the Park!!!
it was fun!
We play Thursday evenings
(6-7)pm untill we Mob out,
& Saturday games too!!(Sometimes)
4:20(4)pm untill dark or 8-9ish
We Play EVERY Thursday @ 6or7pm on the University of ARIZONA
"Mall" (EastGRASSarea)
On Ocation, We Play our "ParkingGarage" Feild on the open topped part of the 4thLevel, just North of the Belushe'sPUB (on6thStreet)
We Welcome Anybody in the area to Please come on out and play or just check out the scene!
We invite all other Bike Polo crews to join the action. Either to play with us or against us! :-)
I know there's a TempeBikePolo crew out there somewhere! Once we went up and played @ thier field. It was cool! The field is about the same size as ours except instead of the Buses & Cars as our sideline, the ground rose up so we could play a wider feild & the ball comes back instead of getting run over!
All Friendly people that enjoy the bicycle community.
Every Tuesday, gather @ 8pm @ UofA flagpole!!
~~Many people Mobb'n Well!!!~~
~averages between 100-300 people riding!~
ALL UnMotorized vehicals, bike creations, & costumes are WELCOME!
*EVERY* Tuesday evening @8pm@ the UofA flagpole (West of OldMain) 100-300 Bicycles Mob'n!!! 5-15 miles then, rally up & play "FootDown"!
COSTUMES are Encouraged!
ANY un-motorized contraptions welcome!
Inquire to the weekly theme!
Be ready to have FUN & make Lots of NOISE!
B.I.C.A.S. has the "Bike 'N Movie" every last Saturday!
6:30pm Bike Mob up University &or 4thAve &or DownTown then back to b.i.c.a.s. for the "Back Alley Cinima"!
Everything went very peaceful & FUN!!!
Ending @ the Barrio Brewery was fun!
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Every Wednesday @ 7pm @ DownTown YMCA! $2
BIKE POLO on the NEWS!!!(Burlington)
Bike Polo
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vvvStuff that's Fun to see;vvv
Yes, please!
Beautyful BIKE POLO!!!
Ok, we'll let you put us on T.V.
You'll see.
~Helmets recommended, not required.
~All bike styles are allowed.
(This includes Unicycles)
~3 hits of the ball per person until contacted by another player or bike.
~No stop/still in front of a goal.
~*!NO!* cigarette smoking up wind of the feild!!!
~Foot Down; Get out of play. For our UofA feild; Touch front wheel to the curb. For"Open"Feilds; Go around nearest tree or stationary object. If there is nothing to go around, just loop out of play.
~High sticking IS aloud, be careful!
~Never go through a goal! Penalty is 1 point for the other team.
~Goal line is "Back". If a goal is not made and the ball goes "back", the other team must go at least 1/4 the feild or until "Game On" is called.
~If a goal IS made, the scoring team must go back 3/4 the feild or until "Game On" is called.
~A person charging may not be cut off from in front of but, if you are coming the same direction, and/or are battling for the ball, you may.
~now, ~NO~ kick assist.(If you kick the ball, you must loop out of play & wait for another player or bike to contact it)
~Bumping, sword fighting & mallet hooking ARE allowed! The player offended is free to do so back. *No purposefully disabling bikes or persons.
~Out of bounds ball; If you hit while ON your bike, you may hit in your direction. You have 2 tries. Then you need to throw or toss, straight in from where the ball lays.
~Kick standing with mallet is allowed but, never in the way of play.
~All random Cars, Buses, or people crossing the feild must be called out;
"Bus!","Walker!", "Dog on feild!"etc.
~Fights must be kept fair. (No use of bikes or mallets)
~Costumes are allowed & encouraged!
~If you break(as in broke down), you may be run into or over so, get out of the way!
~Intoxication must be controled.
~*Different rules apply to different feilds.*
We play games of 4 points then switch sides or switch up teams to make it even & FUN!
Afterwards, we BikeMobb over to ~No~Anchovies~ for
Then, to the
Sometimes we play our "HardCourt" field.(opened top portion of 4th level of parking garage just N.of Belushie'sPub)
Also occasionally, we play
on Sat @ Himmel Park
@ 4:20pm (S.E.side)
P.S. onMondays, the show "Heroes" is on @ 8pm. We have a group that gathers @ 7pm for Dinner before enthusiasticaly watching the show! It's Fun! ForINFO.call(520)293-o420