Member Since: 6/21/2006
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Influences: ludwig van beethoven, ingmar bergman, jean-paul sartré, willem dekooning, henri matisse, igor stravinsky, anton webern, gyorgy ligeti, thelonious monk, bill evans, mccoy tyner, bud powell...
arnold schoenberg, BACH, art tatum, john coltrane, keith jarrett, chick corea, miles davis, wayne shorter, claude debussy, maurice ravel, charles ives, aaron copland, albert camus...
michel houellebecq, franz kafka, friedrich nietzsche, soren kierkegaard...moroccan, algierian &; tunisian music - other ethnic musics, stanley kubrick, jean-luc godard, woody allen, travis bickle and much, much more...
Sounds Like: life, death, sadness, madness, love, hate, anger, depression, good times, goodbyes...
Record Label: Insomnia Creations
Type of Label: None