I love education! I received my after high school education when my children were five and three (1980). My parents were both lifetime teachers. My mom taught English and Latin. Dad taught math and science. The latter of which I did not excel until College, to be honest.In 1982, I received my AA degree at San Jose City College graduating summa cum laude. May,1988 I earned my BA at San Jose State University and then my Masters in 1992. I graduated magna cum laude,at the same time my daughter turned 18. Yes, it took me ten years, but I did it.I like to write. I have two copyrights:"1000 San Jose State University Students and Domestic Violence" and "Overcoming the Blues: A Self-Help Booklet." The three children's cookbooks are my favorites: One was an early reader cookbook for five and older. The second is a setup food preparation activity in a box for individual or group of three or four children. Last, but not least thereof, was a favorites cookbook my six Family Day Care children and I created, which includes recipes that describe/demonstrate how to prepare our most delicious treats. The preface and humorous notes throughout consist of health reminders about food preparation, handling, and cleanliness.
I'd like to meet:
The Marleys,Rita and Ziggy. More are Thomas Chong,Whoopi Goldberg,Robin Williams,my guardian angel(s),good people,honest people,sincere people,trustworthy people;you get my point.
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Give me jazz, Tracy Chapman,Bob or Ziggy Marley and Karma Jones. I like John Maher and the B52. I listen to KFOG because I am a Foghead and there is nothing better!
Since becoming friends with Invisible; they move to the top of my list of music favorites. I honestly can not hear enough of "In My Dreams." My God these guys send me!! Lily Allen Baby captures my interests with here style and the as a matter of fact healing "with the help of my friends" reminder.
I don't go to the theater to view movies. I'd rather see movies in the comfort and security of my own home. I enjoy a little romance, a lot of drama, and to be able to learn something from the show.
I love those "Friends" and Channel 2 news.
Clan of the Cave Bear series comes to mind as a favorite. Educational and Show Me How books are another hot item of mine.
My mom is my hero, she never gave up. She taught me perseverance, respect, integrity, love, responsibility, follow-through, and communications skills.
Other heroes of mine: Mother Teresa, Princess Diane, Martin Luther King Jr., Professor Bowman, and all of those who have given their life up for my freedom.