
HaPpY iN-LoVe

About Me

I'm getting there. I haven't done all the damage I could do but I've done quite a bit. I'm just over the border into the Evil Zone. i..m extremely DORKY.. i..m CARING to a fault.. i tend to follow my HEAD rather than my HEART.. i..m a HOPELESS ROMANTIC.. i..m AMBITIOUS.. i..m STUBBORN..i'm SPONTANEOUS, i'm CRAZY, i'm MELLOW,[especially when i'm just a TAD TIPSY ]or i can be QUIET. i can be ANYTHING i WANT to be, but i'm always 100% au NATUREL.un biATCH i'm generally a BY_THE_BOOK, LAW-ABIDING MODEL CITIZEN, but every once in a while I like to BREAK A RULE OF THREE..... Had a drink and smoke too many now and then receiving messages that says HOLLA ATCHA BOI or anything that comes close to that statement? GUILTY as charged. . . nd yeah I am 64% EVIL. I could go EITHER WAY. I have SINNED quite a bit..NO ONE is allowed to tell me how to LIVE my LIFE AND NO ONE CAN FORCE ME TO DO THAT I DONT WANT TO!!*wink* can ibe a HYPOCRYTE at times.. according to dorkus, i have 3 different personalities.. i..m somewhat SHY..(das why ppol olwiez mistaken dat em "SUPLADA") i like to make PEOPLE SMILE.. i..ve never been MARRIED, but i..m UNAVAILABLE.. i highly dislike.. i..m a BLUNT.. i highly dislike PESSIMISM.. i like to sing in while taking a bath.. DANCING is my passion.. when i..m not on stage, i..m extremely uncoordinated.. i LOVE performing, but i hate doing oral presentations..im ATHLETIC find me highly amusing for some reason.. i think i..m ABUSIVE.. i like to hit PEOPLE.. but i don..t hit hard.. at least i don..t think i do.. i..m quite VULGAR..i like to NAG ppol down..but i'm MYSELF and if PEOPLE don't LIKE it, i suggest ~~THEY CAN STICK IT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE! i div

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

] whoeve is interested ..ta be moi h0mie!! ..ta ya'll h0tties 0ut thae, add me up n' i'ma r0ck ya w0rld!add me up!:) [email protected][check me out,dahlin..!.. *CUZ I GOT WUT U NEED. SO TELL ME WUT YA NEED.;9* ]cool thugs who can sweep me off mah feet! so if u think ur cool.. then add me up! coz we goona rock this world....~~~~aH! DoNt ChUs MaH FrEnDs ItS JsT A CoInCiDeNcE ThAt MoI FrEnDs ArE CoOL~~~~~~~~I WaNt PeEpZ WhO ArE~~~~ *NiCe*fRiEnDLy*uNdErStAnDiNg*aCcEpTs Me*PLeAsInG*~~~~i HaTe PeEpZ Hu ArE~~~~ *SaRcAsTiC*SoCiAL CLiMbEr*CaNt UnDeRsTaNd Me*S2PiD*DoNt HaVe SeNsE In AnY CoNvErSaTiOn*MoODy*~~~~MoSt Of ALL I HaTe GoLdIe LiMbA~~~~ *sOcIaL CLimBeR*sUcKeR*FuCkEr*Bj QuEeN*FeELiNg RiCh*s2piD*No OrIgInALiTy*InSeCuRE*PoOr*HaViNg SeX In EvRy GuY ShE MeEtS*ALwAyS MeSiN' Up W/ MaH LyF-CrOsIng MaH WaY* ~~~ShE's ALsO ThE X-Gf Of MaH CuZiN ThEy ALsO FuCkEd~~

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My Blog

cute ba?

ei, isnt it cute guys??? hehehe...
Posted by "~~CrZySxYcOoL~~" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST