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~*i..'m DoROtHy JOy DOmAoA SaborDo*~ ~*2ndYr. CollEge TaKing Up B.s Nursing *~ ~* i CAn SpeAk itAliAn, englIsh, Pilipino*~ i am: RamdOm,quIrky,FriEndLy,sPorTY,dOrky,GooFy,OutGoing,LovAbLe,A
nd UnderStanding i kNow What I Want i Love TravElliNg,UnPlAnned gMiks,bAsKetBall,IcEsKatIng... i Hate nasTy bAckStabbERs,PlasTic,HypOcrite,ButtIng inTo oThers BUsIness.. i Fear flying roaches,PrAnk TeXter and PeOple W/ BaD IntEntIons i nEver SmoKe nOr dRunk HArd Liquor.:p i Am Not PunctUal i fight Back wHen I..'m ProVoked... ~*Mah FreNd Col ME: DorY,Dotie,Dorai,DoroTea,Dorow,Dors,JoY,Nd Mata!!u KNOw Y?Lki DAw Kc Ng Mata KOw Ewan KoBah!! AssEt Unn hehehe*~ ~*dEy sEd i luK matAraY. sNob. iNtimidAting. buT u C, lUkS cAn b dEcEiviNg.. iM nOt dIs bitChY kiNda gUrl.. juSt naSty*~ *I..'M A sImPle HappY gO LucKy PerSon* *AlwaYz On tHe Go* *I cAn..'t LIve W/o Mah Cel* *I LoVe PlayIng BasKetBAll Nd IcesKatIng* *I hAte SocIal CLImbErs* *My frieNds saYs thAt I..'M eAsy tO be wiTh aNd tRue I lovE frieNds hu keep it reAl, no frOntin or nOthin..Juz ouT to enjoY diz thing we caLled liFe* * I CaN bE uR fRiEnd bUt i CaN aLs0 b uR w0rSt nYtmArE! d0Nt jUdGe mE wiD d WaY i m0Ve,h0w i Lo0k,d WaY i dReSs c0z uL nVeR knw d REAL me* *I hate pLastic pipOl...pipOl hu were tAlkin sHit bouT me..If y..'aLl haters wAna mEss up wiT me, thEn go aheAd and telL it tO maH faCe...I dOnt wAna wastE morE of ma tYm talkiN and thiNkin bOut nonsEnse lOseRs... *noT tOo sexY But oNe oF tHE pReTTy*lolz;p
D Dangerous
O Overwhelming
R Relaxed
O Old
T Talented
H Helpful
Y Yucky
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Mayuko Masachika
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