TRIVIAL profile picture


The road to mental health is just around the......

About Me

Trivial,hmmmm where to begin.......At our beginnings this was two separate bands,one of course was Trivial which at the time held Stuart, Dustin and Justin,And then you had Indemic which held Brandon, Jesse and Alex.At the end of Indemic those three members sat in a warehouse for around 3 months when they ran into Stuart and Justin and asked them out just to play. At the time Trivial was still a band. After a few talks they parted ways with their present singer and took Alex, Jesse and Brandon in to form a new band, called Trivial;whatyaknow, to keep the band name was made by-all. Through the course of around 2-3 years of being together we have played countless shows and made a bit of a name for ourselves in this town and we intend to only grow from that......We have been through alot of (times), or (hard times) in this band......Personal disagreements and arguements, and that's just the plain true but, we have always overcome our problems because we know that what we have isn't something to just be tossed aside. And because of our internal problems we(as a band,as music), have only grown in what we do. We will not beg for any support, we only ask for your ears for a moment to hear what it is that we do..... We ALL love what we do and at the end of the day; love who we are doing this with, As say Brothers to the end take a listen and enjoy if your mind can handle it because we are a force to be not easily beaten and that's the way it will stay,.And to all the band's that we have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with: Chimiara,Faded Embrace,NonPoint,Meet Me under Water,A new Revolution,Last Breath,Make-Shift Romeo,Hastings Way,Dope,Man Made Man,Bleed the Sky,Silence is Broken,Dry Kill Logic,Left for Dead,Power Trip,Skindred,Social Coma,MoFoKa,Sanity's Goodbye,The Vacant Choir,The Day Death Stood Still,Forged in Blood,Arch Enemy,Red Horse,Nerosonic,Even X,Through Dead Calm,LinchPin,Mindsight,Justify the Means,Wreched,The System After,On the Front,Timmy Middle-finger,Witchbeula,Warmouth,Agent Zero,Reamer and every band that has slipped my mind in this huge line-up of great bands,Anyone forgotten;I am sorry for forgetting................. In early Aug. 06 sampler (Jesse Coogan) retired for personal reasons leaving us only five strong
We have now taken to an old friend that goes by the name of Skyler a.k.a(Wonka Beast) to take the reigns of sampler and now we feel like were back to being one again. So now our line-up, being as strong as ever is:Alex-vocals,Stuart-bass,Brandon-guitars,Justin-drums,Dust in-guitars and Skyler-sampler/synth...................HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA,Be afraid,be very afraid!!
Go To for more songs!!

My Interests


Member Since: 2/2/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Alex--vocals

Influences: Horror!!! And lots of it!!!" ..
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

Record Label: always looking..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Fat Recordings and a not so trivial day!!!

Hay all, We just got out of the studio and are highly-amped for the new E.P.! The "FAT Recordings" was nothing less than fuckin' sweet!  The set-up time for it all was a bit of a bitch but, just ...
Posted by TRIVIAL on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:48:00 PST

IMPRINT (lyrics)

        Imprint, everythings going backwards I can hardly stand his,imprint, this was not the way it's supposed be, with no where in the world to run, this it could ...
Posted by TRIVIAL on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:07:00 PST