Booking: Skess2 @ Yahoo DOT COM
Notice to bands:Please use the booking email (SKESS2 AT YAHOO DOT COM) for all booking requests. Myspace is not for booking, it is unorganized and unsearchable. Email please. If you don't, I will likely just delete your message
MAP and Directions:
Located at the corner of 3rd Ave. and 6th St. 920 3rd Ave, Rockford, IL 61104
Easy directions. Take State st. to 6th st. turn onto 6th(it is one way) be in the far right lane, at 2nd ave. take a right. The first parking lot on the left is us.
The ELB is Emmanuel Lutheran's basement (ELB, we are clever aren't we?).
It is kind of hard to miss being a giant church. It, however, is not a strictly Christian venue. It is for all bands, you may have to hold back a bit, but not completely.
This page will help keep you up to date on shows at the ELB. So please be our friends and refer everyone you know. For shows that may be else where add our personal pages which are on the left.
A portion of the proceeds from the shows go to the ELC High School Youth Program.
The shows have been great so far, but we have a long way to go. The better the shows do, the more national acts we can bring in, then our local bands get more exposure, and it helps us all. Also if you ever want to see a band play our halls, please tell us about them, send a message with as much info about the band as you can and we will look into it.
NOTICE. Please be aware there is no drinking or smoking allowed on the premises, keep it off Emmanuel Lutheran Property please. These shows are in conjunction with the Youth Group and are all ages, so keep it safe and friendly for the young ones. One person can ruin a good thing for the many. Don't be that person. Oh and please also note, some one has ruined it for gum chewers now too, so please don't bring gum into the church
We just want to let people know, if we asked you to be our friend it is because we thought we have something to offer you and people you know may enjoy. It is our goal to spread the word about our shows and sometimes other people's. The best way to do that is lots of myspace friends. We are always around so feel free to message us, or leave comments, we respond to dang near everything sooner or later. Now, you may look at our list of bands and think "gee nothing here I care about" and dismiss us. Well, the thing is, we can't get the bands you want without your opinions. We are staying small now, but we have the experience and means to bring in touring bands, as long as we have the room for them.
Thanks for stopping by, don't be a stranger.
-The ELB Crew
Jim Hanke @ the ELB 11/17/06 "The Spark"
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My Extra Life @ the ELb April 13th clip 1
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Check out this video: Big Chomper, Big Chomper
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