CD 12 tracks
HAND MADE RECORDing LABEL MASTER / zim poum plock.
DJ XEX , musicien inclassable né a turin , flutiste classique de formation imprégné de jazz joue aussi des claviers..Il est a l'origine de nombreuses formations:
+Johnny Staccato Band
+Mad'Ames Edwarda (inspiré des textes de G.Bataille)
+Movimenti Rotativi avec FranckFuture avec lequel il a produit differents albums:
-*-Compilations AAA
-*-Movimenti Rotativi
-*-Les Cubistes Londoniens
Compose et joue dans les Barbarins Fourchus depuis 12 ans..
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DJ XEX unclassable musician born has Torino, flutist traditional of formation impregnated of jazz . Is has the origin of many formations:
+Johnny Band Staccato
+Mad' Ames Edwarda (inspired of the texts of G.Bataille)
+Movimenti Rotativi with FranckFuture with which it produced different albums: *compilations AAA **movimenti Rotativi * them Cubistes Londoniens
Composes and plays in les Barbarins Fourchus since 12 ans..
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