I made this music playlist at MyFlashFetish .com.
James Chance: vocals, sax and keyboards;
Judy Taylor: vocals and dance;
Pierre Fablet, guitar;
Jacques Auvergne, bass;
Alex Tual, drums
James in Paris, May 3rd 2007
James Chance
envoyé par mrlearn2
More James Chance Videos:
Barfly Camden, London, May 1st 2007
Triptyque, Paris, May 3rd, 2007
Montevideo, Marseille, May 9 2007
I can’t Stand Myself, Firenze, May 12 2007
Contort Yourself, Firenze, May 12 2007
Jaded, Firenze, May 12 2007
Almost Black, Firenze, May 12 2007
Designed to Kill, Firenze, May 12 2007
Gonzai interview preview, May 16th 2007
Gonzai full interview, May 16th 2007
Cant’s Stand myself w/ Original Contorsions, 80s
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006 - 2
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006 - 3
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006 - 4
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006 - 5
Les Voutes (Frigos), Paris Oct 21 2006 - 6
Arte, December 2006
“Chance's ideology was built of a foundation of nihilism that came more from UK punk than New York's version, but Chance took his own chop directions from Ayler, Coltrane, and Sanders†(allaboutjazz.com)
"He be funk punk brother number one!" (Melody Maker UK)
"The Contortions shook the f***k out of raw funk!" (Chicago Reader)
"The new band live up to the task and the first big highlight for me was a great take on That Old Black Magic, that was indeed enough to make us know we were in the prescence of a Sax Maniac who knows exactly how to Melt Yourself down. By the time James told us we were about to hear the first ever live version of Stained Sheets he had already got the whole audience going, but then on slunk Judy Taylor to give us the most dirty delicious orgasm while writhing towards James who replied with some truly filthy sax and we were all in heaven. Yes James Chance is back still and funking it up liker there's no tomorrow and if the rammed Barfly is anything to go by he is building his following once more" http://www.myspace.com/simonovitch about London May 2007 show
"Close your eyes and tonight could be CBGBs in ’78, at that point when punk and new wave was furrowing its brow, cranking up the distortion, discovering John Coltrane and loft spaces and embarking on what would be dubbed No Wave; a deconstructionist approach to rock ‘n’ roll where melody was sacrificed for the DNA-shifting power of dissonance.
So, we’re treated to an hour-long workout of Chance’s trademark wailing saxophone, a rhythm section that’s taut and tight and casually turns on a sixpence at every available opportunity, waves of wah-wah guitar and, in the midst of it all, a 54-year-old casually skanking and jerking between keyboard and sax while singing, grunting, howling and finger-popping his way through a set of signature tunes like ‘Sax Maniac’, ‘Contort Yourself’ and ‘Stained Sheets’
“This one’s called ‘I Can’t Stand Myself’,†says Chance.
“But you’re cool as fuck!†shouts one rapt fan down the front.
No-one disagrees."
(Ben Myers - Drowned in Sound) London May 2007 show
« [His King Heroin’s version] beats [James] Brown’s version hands down; the stripped down howls from the gut and minimalist blues are as relative to Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and The MakeUp as they are to the founder of funk. (...) Chance is a serious one off. He’s up there with Elvis. For real. (...) This level of authentic rock & roll adds to the frantic atmosphere that Chance conjures through his sax. He looks the part. Sounds the part. (...) They wish they could be as wild as this Grandaddy. Complete with bouffant, No Wave licks and eardrum burning brass, Chance proves mightily that the devil does have all the best tunes. »
Adelle Stripe (Stool Pigeon)
“Il m’a collé un pain†(Pierre Mikailoff – Gonzai) Paris May 2007 show
“Derrière, trois musiciens costauds, des Rennais qui font sonner impeccablement le groove atypique du James Brown blanc. Pas besoin d’intro, le set débute par une série de clusters sur un orgue criard. [...] il y a ce son, toujours aussi incroyable et novateur. Et cette voix, intacte après tant d’années, toujours aussi tranchante et sexuelle. Et le plaisir d’entendre des hymnes comme “Design To Kill†ou “Contort Yourself†en VO, entrecoupé d’un extrait d’un nouvel album, car James a de l’adrénaline en réserve. Le concert est court, cinquante minutes, mais le public, des ados rock fashion aux quinquas un brin nostalgiques, partage le même sentiment satisfait d’avoir vu passer un phénomène. (J-S Brosse - Vibrations) Paris May 2007 show
James Chance & Les Contorsions at Art Rock Festival, France, May 9 2008 ("Ouest France")