I enjoy Music, Writing, Crafting (BEADS... I make beautiful bracelets, necklaces and earrings - I will post them soon) outdoor activities, ROLLER COASTERS and ROLLER SKATING.
Anyone in general just to have fun and share interest and crafters for inspiration and to share my work with (beaded jewelry (mostly bracelets) - I will post them very soon.......Oh, also Prince, Pink and Maya Angelou.
Very Versatile...A LOT of EVERYTHING.
Myspace Poems & Quotes at WishAFriend.com ..
"The Shawshank Redemption", "Christine(1983)" "The Last King of Scotland", "Carrie(1976), "Pride"(anything staring Terrance Howard), "Kill Bill Vol. II", "Match Point", "Hilary and Jackie", anything staring "Madea" ...and many more.
CSI-Miami, CSI-Crime Scene Investigation, Psychic Detectives and Forensic Files. I don't watch much television but when I do, that's it mostly.
All Books by J. California Cooper... Others of interest are; "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", "The Science of Mind" By Ernest Holmes, "The Energy Connection" By Joyce Rennolds, "The Secret" and many others.
My mom, my Robb and the Senior Minister - Rev. Paul Gonyea of the "Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta".