De' cut off by Raquel profile picture

De' cut off by Raquel

When I be on the mic I rock the mic right!

About Me

My name is Raquel M Jackson, I'm from Philly now living in Atlanta and loving it! I'm an Unsigned artist in the process of finishing the recording for my first album which is to release in 2008.

My music represents my flirtation's sad, happy, confused, discipline, growing, challenging it's worldly, all with some jazzy funk. I would like for my album to bring out that jazzy live music side of me that I grew up with on stage. Music that hits a person's soulful spot, music that inspired the love struggle. My music is my life scribed on vocals and instruments. My story vocal board will show all my feelings sad or happy mad or angry cheerful, in control and out of control, the lion or the bear the dog or the cat raw untold stories of me. My life is an musical soulful spot...

I use the term "Soulful Spot" because music touches every one soulful spot. No matter where your spot is located it's a music feel messages that sends me voice through your body and then it reacts. I am Raquel and when you listen to my music it will touch your soulful spot, it reaches places that need to touch . Collectively I give that to you my adaptive music skills and business skills to give you a remember-able show and something to talk about when you go home lol.

I love all my fans they are the people who help me grow. My fans are part of my soulful spot they feed me the energy to keep going. Fans and friends are the links that connect me with my music...I'm silly, strange, fly, and sometimes Corny but I express myself in many ways and communicate with people to be inspired. So with out further a due I bring to Raquel the sexy soulful singer, Rocky the hard core side of my sweetness, Leuqar the painter, and Rock the don't take no shit side of me.

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My Interests

Most things interest me but most things are just for the now. Things that interest me leave me with imprints of what interest it, but not enough of what I want to keep my interest never the less life is what it -Raquel Conscious Womb Thinking

Naturally You Magazine

Order Naturally You! Magazine

Spring Issue 2006 Featuring Kaya Casper

& Jewelry By Raquel M Jackson

Jewelry: [email protected]

Makeup: [email protected]

Photo By:

To see more visit the site and most of all purchase the issues.

Raquel has designed jewelry for artist such as:




*Kim Hill

*Lizz Fields

*Angie Stone

*Lizz Wright

* Queen Afua

*Taylor McFerrin

*Navasha (Fertile Ground)

*Somaya (OmarUK US Rep)

*Yaya (Artist & Jewelry Designer)

*Joelle Fontaine (Clothing Desinger)

*Kaya Casper (Publisher of Naturally You Mag.)

and the list continues...

Check out some of my new work @ Joelle is an awesome clothing designer please visit her here on myspace.

Copper Red Jasper Ring By Raquel

Brass (on the left) but as Ms. Joelle calls them "Bronze" earrings By Raquel

"Raccoon's tail: Yacque Valdez- Bronze ea rings: RaQuel- BESTonMySpace"


Contact [email protected] for ordering

I just wanted to say thank you to Joelle Fontaine for her kindness and professionalism also to the Aaries sista your rocking it best...the two of you are beautiful.

Red Jasper Copper Ring

Brass Earrings (Left)

Sterling Silver Red Jasper Ring

lick the Picture to enlarge the art work

I'd like to meet:

I would like to me a whole world of folks. Mostly people who love my music ;) I would love to me people in the industry and other artist and producers who would like to make money together. Just talk to me and get to know me then You'll feel what I'm talking about.


When it comes to music it has to touch my Soulful Spot...if my heart ain't feeling it then I must not be feeling you (you meaning the artist)ya feel me?


The Hutchison-Effect: The New Philadelphia Experiment?

American Antigravity is proud to share this WinMedia clip of the remarkable Hutchison-Effect! The effect, named for legendary Canadian inventor John Hutchison, includes profound Antigravity effects and jellification/melting effects comparable to the fabled Philadelphia Experiment. Life is a movie I watch it every day in real time...all of you are wonderful actors. This is not a in between the lines.-Raquel Conscious Womb Thinking


Tell-lies-visually...well yeah what about it?-Raquel Consicous Womb Thinking


Peace friends,

I'm going to write a book about my relationship with Rob...our struggles, hard times, good times, his daughters, and our son Ganvie...but most important his art and how he got started designing Wall Hangings and lamps.

Robert Matunda and I meet in 1998 and we moved in together September, 2000. Last year February 2006 our long term relationship completely ended. In between that time are many, many stories which will be told in my book. All the moneys made from this book will go to my son's Ganvie for college.

I've always wanted to write about about my life with him as it was the worst relationship I had ever been in but best learning experience ever in my life. Sadly his life ended so soon cause at the time when I thougth about writing my story I envisioned myself about 50 years old.

Form his death it just goes to show life is so very short so make the best of the time you have on earth and most important as I would always stress to him "See your children because you never know when your life is going to end"

If any one would like to share a piece of memories about Rob happy or sad good or bad even if you bought his art memories are memories.

Quote for the day from my words: "Never call your man or wombman your girl friend or boy them your new blessing and lesson".
-Raquel M Jackson

Send your info to [email protected] thank you.

-Raquel M Jackson



He-roles yes he does all the time.But my sheroes are the elders that speak to me. The elders that look after me. My sheroes and heros are the ones that turely love me...I use to have an answer for this... To be continued-Raquel Conscious Womb Thinking..

My Blog

Putting On The Hits! Throw Back what you know about dis?

I almost cried when I found this on Youtube! OMG this the very start of Raquel singing OMG I use to want to be on this show so bad OMG yo this takes me back so far...this is the reason I wanted to per...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:41:00 PST

A break from being a lady

I can't call it but I'm about to go deep sleep diving in my own world soon I'm taking a break from being a lady a living lady so when I die just know that I'm on vacation and I like it.
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Thu, 01 May 2008 09:12:00 PST

So Cold

:( So cold that I'm stressed out!:( Nothing feels warm anymore just cold:( My temperature for life has dropped - 80 degrees:( Nothing surprises me nothing:( I got ta walk with my head up high through ...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:59:00 PST

Bloggin Chick Tired and Retiring

I'm a bloggin chick that's pist and sometimes I get even My heart is heavy again not for the same reason but somewhat... G'z I keep praying but God says not now not yet...I cry. Something must be wron...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:48:00 PST

Being Single & The List!

Being single really sucks! Ok rewind being single is not all that bad it's when your ready to not be single that sucks! I don't want to be single it's time that a great man find me...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:33:00 PST

Birthing album 2 already

Already for processing in the making album one has kept me busy and stressed out! Never the less it’s one of the greatest journey and a focus forward to new creations and energies of new ideas a...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:59:00 PST

Appearing to be strong/ My Ummy

I wonder what my mother thinks of me...I never appear to be week or sad or even cry around her. I cant even remember the last time she seen me cry or even heard me cry. Yeah I’m a big cry baby I...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:11:00 PST


Can you tell that I was depressed or did my bright smile cover up all trace and reflections of a sad wombman. My little man I miss you as I hear you voice fading in the background while I talk to Ummy...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 01:17:00 PST

I promise

Nothing more beautiful then seeing a little boy smiling from playing with his father. While his father laughs and records every moment in his heart. Wishing that moment never ends and that every day w...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:34:00 PST

Dreaming up!

Dreaming up me some thoughts of you! Wondering are you by my side sending me love or on the other side sending me pain. The air is thick sometimes when things are going wrong I blame you. Sometimes I ...
Posted by De' cut off by Raquel on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST