T to the C! profile picture

T to the C!

aite blud?

About Me

I am primarily a skateboarder and short film maker based in Bristol...Big UPPs yeah!?

ENTER/EXIT is a documentary project that was set-up to explore the impact of Exit Festival upon European relations with Serbia and the Balkans.

My Interests

Felching, Docking and Croquet.

I'd like to meet:

Some stuff I made when I was alive...
..people and places from the Westcountry, Suffolk, Norfolk, Europe and Oz.
If you like countryside, hippy music or skateboarding then you'll like this!

Steam Skate
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I shot this on Super-8 one afternoon in Camerton, a quaint little Westcountry village inbetween Bath and Radstock. At the time I just knew my friend had a steam car, he lived in the country and I had some cine film..... but! Looking back I realise it's very much about my childhood. Those are the guys I grew up with, in the countryside where I grew up, accompanied by some music my parents used to play when I was younger.(aaaaarh) That's my friend Boot driving the old car, and yes he built it himself and it is steam powered...he's a proper country boy.

European travels - From Cornwall to Prague, and Malmo in between!

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This clip charters my travels through Europe in 2004 with groups of sponsored skateboarders. I arranged and funded the trips, produced, directed and edited the resulting skateboard film titled InSitu No.1 Example. There's footage from Sweden, Denmark, Prague, Cornwall, Canary Iles and the rest of Europe. The video contains some of my favourite skateboarders including particular talented people that I wanted to help get on the skateboarding map (Danijel Todorovic, Ashley Skidmore, Boyo, Layth). The filming crew also consisted of my favourite filmers from the UK providing fond memories of each trip. The official website is here with more clips, stills and a write up for each trip. You can buy the dvd from these guys .

Ever seen a rugby playing skateboarder break his leg in Paris..?

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This trailer is from a documentary I produced during graduation few years ago. It's gained interset from the Extreme Sports Channel (...is that a good thing..?) and won an 'Original Documentary' award from Bristol based documentary outfit Testimony Films (I think they'd just never seen a skate video before as they kept mentioning the ingenious tracking device.....-er it's a skateboard). It features Carl Vance, Jack Rowles and Dan Leech and looks into the contrasting elements of their sponsored skateboarding lives, examining the pressures they come across in trying achieve their goals.

Hostage dream team hailing from Wales, Bristol, Suffolk and Norfolk!

Hostage Montage
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This montage is taken from the old Hoax skateshops video 'Before Capture'. I worked for Hoax editing this video and promoting their new clothing brand 'Hostage'. I got to pick the team and organise the trips, but unfortunately had no say in the clothing. Consequently it never came through and fisled out into another shit t-shirt rip off brand. Not the fault of Hoax owner Lee Minter, as he is a bloody lovely and generous bloke, but a fault of some other kind. Never the less I think if it had carried on the team could have been one of the best in the UK today. -Paul Alexander is a beast!

My latest self instigated film project is a documentary charting Exit music festival in Serbia and it's affect on Balkan relations with Europe. It's called Enter/Exit . It's my first film project which has nothing to do with skateboarding and I'm really excited about it. As soon as myself and Gavin Wilshen get a spare minute to go through the footage and attempt to agree on something, I'll put a trailer up.


other peoples car stereos whilst I'm trying to sleep


spike jonze


out the window!


I've only ever read one, to Kill a Docking board.


the cat I sometimes see outside my house