I'm interested in the World & all that exists... I'm interested in photography.... I'm interested in psychic phenonenon... I'm interested in Masseotheraphy....(cause I'm Certified.) I'm interested in Private Investigation Methods....(cause I have the training,experience,license.) I'm interested in Principles of Life.... I'm interested in dedicating myself to all seeking higher purpose... I'm interested in The Law of: Flexibility, Choices, Responsibility, Balance, Process, Patterns, Discipline, Perfection, Present Moment, No Judgements, Faith, Expectations, Honesty, Will, Intuition, Action, Cycles, Relationships, .....and the opposite of all this...... .....sharing wisdom..... accepting all that is... good & bad ,,, holy & evil ,,,positive & negative... friend or foe??? which ever you are .... I absorb... My past.. present.. future.. ??/??/??- 12/24/71- ??/??/??-~Enter This Photo~ ~For Your Daily Horoscope, I've Done for You~
Giordano Bruno - Tortured and Burned For His Beliefs of The Universe Filippo (Giordano) Bruno was born in Nola, Italy in 1548. His father was Giovanni Bruno, a soldier, and his mother was Fraulissa Savolino. In 1561, he enrolled in school at the Monastery of Saint Domenico, best known for its famous member, Thomas Aquinas. Around this time, he took the name Giordano Bruno and within a few years had become a priest of the Dominican Order. Giordano Bruno was a brilliant, if eccentric, philosopher, but the life of a Dominican priest in the Catholic Church apparently didn€™t suit him. He left the order in 1576 and started wandering Europe as a travelling philosopher, lecturing in various universities. His chief claim to fame was the Dominican memory techniques he taught, bringing him to the attention of royalty, including King Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England.His memory enhancement techniques, described in his book "The Art of Memory" are still used today. Though outspoken, and perhaps, not truly appreciated while in the Dominican Order, his troubles truly began around 1584 with the publication of his book "Dell Infinito, universo e mondi" ("Of Infinity, the Universe, and the World"). Being a philosopher and not an astronomer, Giordano Bruno would not have even warranted our attention if not for this book and the consequences of it.Hearing the ideas of Copernicus about the nature of the universe sent Giordano Bruno into a veritable frenzy of philosophical thought. If the Earth was not the center of the universe, and all those stars clearly seen in the night sky were also suns, then there must exist an infinite number of earths in the universe, inhabited with other beings like ourselves.This idea about the universe did not sit well with the Catholic Church. They lured Giordano Bruno to Rome with the promise of a job, where he was immediately turned over to the Inquisition and charged with heresy.Giordano Bruno spent the next eight years in chains in the Castel Sant€™Angelo, where he was routinely tortured and interrogated until his trial. Despite this, he remained unrepentant, stating to his Catholic Church judge, Jesuit Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, "I neither ought to recant, nor will I." Even a death sentence handed down by the Catholic Church did not change his attitude as he defiantly told his accusers, "In pronouncing my sentence, your fear is greater than mine in hearing it."Immediately after the death sentence was handed down, Giordano Bruno€™s jaw was clamped shut with an iron gag, his tongue was pierced with an iron spike and another iron spike was driven into his palate. On February 19, 1600, he was driven through the streets of Rome, stripped of his clothes and burned at the stake.
~?~ Video killed the Radio Star ~?~~?~ Internet killed the... ~?~ PLEASE,,, SLOWLY,, STEP AWAY FROM THE....AW FUCK, IT'S TOO LATE... PLACE YOUR HANDS ON THE COMPUTER KEYBOARD.... and COMMENT ME ...FRIENDS & FOES (whichever it is you feel you are, on any particular day.)Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and thank you for climbing into this rabbit hole... good luck finding your way out. WARNING DO NOT GET YOUR PANTIES OR BOXERS IN A BUNCH I HUNT & EXPLOIT MYSELF ONLINE UNDERCOVER,,, SO DIG AS DEEP AS YOU MUST ON ME.... MAKE NO ASSUMPTIONS....JUST ASK ME.... and I'll set the record straight...(no pun intended) I'm a FUCKEN Criminal Justice Student for crying out loud.
OH ! I know the answer to this! Call on me, me ME ! (with my hand up in the air.) "Go, ahead Mark.", instructor says."A collection of DNA sequences in the Delila system. Books are usually created by the delila program, but can also be created by dbbk, rawbk, and makebk. The unique feature of Delila books is that they carry a coordinate system that defines the coordinates of each base in the book. This makes the Delila program powerful because one can use Delila to extract parts of sequences and maintain the original coordinates." ( and I take my seat. ) "That is correct, but not the answer I'm looking for.", says the instructor, following a PFFFFSSSSTTT ! "A book is a collection of leaves of paper, parchment or other material, bound together along one edge within covers. A book is also a literary work or a main division of such a work. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.Know a good book I should read? Let me know. Message or make a Suggestion in the Comments Section.
The Four Men who protected me through my mask till, the First Female to allow for rebirth of the Wrath.
Now Four Women come forth, to AsK. Can we protect you from the Last Male, that is left to stand. It is me, who will have the last question ever to ask.
What will, that final question be?
Indians are in the Blood & Soul of everyone. It's a Fact.My Schools won't come up for MySpace to post.
I attended:
Whittier Elementary Lorain
and some preschool before that. But I was a bubble baby, since I was born with breathing problems and near deaf in both ears. I would be taken to this assessment clinic from the age of 3 to 6. I was autistic.
When my Father re-married when I was 9, my grandmother still persisted in caring for me. My grandmother felt that if my own mother could not do it, than no other woman could,,,LOL.
I lived with my Father & Step-mother in Elyria, so I had to go to Jefferson elementary and start all over again.
Westwood Jr High. Elyria
Elyria West High ( Which closed it's doors for good, but I took my G.E.D. two years before my graduating class.
I went to Edison for a short while at Elyria West, cause with hearing aids, the classrooms were separated by dividers, and hearing devices tend to pick up a lot of background noises.)
I was at St.Joseph Hospital, during 8th grade, cause my right kidney had failed, (unknown to me, at the time), a person's body and Mental Status can not be functional with Toxins built up in their system, I was at a Hungarian Refugee Camp in Penns. when I shut-down, and felt suicidal. I attended a school while in the Psych Ward of St.Joseph Hospital to keep up on school work. Till Doctors found out why I was so "Fucked Up" was because of a not so fully developed right. kidney.
That was all during 8th grade. LMAO.
When I returned home, I decided to live with my grandmother whom raised me a majority of my life anyway. When I finally went to High School, is when I was trying to place my self in this world, I did not believe I fit in to any of the "clicks" there, Lisa Streets, now married, Mrs.Carter, was my Best Friend there, and watched and defended my individuality, and would beat people up for talkin shit about me....LOL,,,I thought I was gay, straight, bi, but sex at that time for me, was only a mere fraction of who I was. Mrs.Carter (Lisa), is on my friends list for MySpace. There is a story behind all who I befriend and or work with as a foe. I am going to be honest, truthful, sincere, due to the fact it's important to conduct yourself in a way to gain respect, to be able to respect others. I love respecting people, and disrespecting in loving way.
Got that from Grandma....You can see it in my brother Liam too. He's one if you acquiant yourself with have to stand your ground with,,,LOL,,,cause of his intelligence.
*This is my schizo-affective disorder for ya. Explaining and telling my life story is difficult, cause it consisted of being a part of knowing too much and experiencing too much, beginning at such an early age. LMAO.So that is why I press that I'm UnWell and not crazy.
UnWell is a song by Matchbox20, that fits me like a glove.
My screen-name also stems from school, cause other students would always say, "Ask Mark."
It's hard to convince spirits living that I am much more than I chose to be. We all were a part of something much greater before this present moment of our lifetime.
That's why I do not "Mark" myself in time.
So I see my birthday as just an impression of this current time period. Past-Present-Future....
Back to schools I attended, LOL.
I held out on going to college, cause I knew colleges would always be around. In fact, I'm in college now.
1994 Lorain Business College-Data Entry
1998 Cleveland School of Massage-Certified Ethical Massage Practitioner.
1999-2003 Scranton PA School of Law-Private Investigation
2006-2009KU- BA in Criminal Justice; Forensic Psychology.
I invite people to ask me anything. Our experiences in life can be helpful and be able to benefit and or help others understand obstacles in life. I also believe in allowing others to do, what, when, how, why, where, who on their own.
One must accept the fact....that a so-called "crazy person" can possibly be that of an advantage for those who have not lived or yet experienced situations that make up that so-called "crazy person."
It's all good, Friends & Foes. Whichever you all chose to be,,,I support ALL that each of you stand for and believe in.... It's educating.
I say, "I love you", to those, cause that is what life needs.
Hate, I love to, cause it makes me stronger by not living in it, but learning from it, to avoid consuming my life's energy. I work in Transference. Google It. LOL.
Taking negative to turn into positive. It is also required of me to take positive and project negative. That is the base of what drives me, also only a mere part of who I am.Google Wrath.
I encourage lots of reading & Art, ah, what the hell, just soak it up....Happiness & Sadness Google It.
Lots of Music to. All of It.
I'm a Messenger.
This is where all my friends & foes Chat: