Sponsor Cabana's Eyebrows
Fun Facts:
-My real name Jessica is too embarrassing to use on the radio
-I like watching animals trying to eat peanut butter
-The only "A" I got in school was when my teacher called me "A" moron
The People's Champ -- Cabana Boy's Mom
I am a fan of all types of music
I am the former mayor of Awesometown
Wanna win my heart? Send me a big 'ol box of frozen Hot Tamales
Oprah, When Ex-Girlfriends Attack!, The Tonight Show, Golden Girls, LOST, IDOL... I fall asleep to ESPN News....Yeah, my love life is sad :(
Cabana Ray Cyrus -- Yee-Haw!
Radio for dummies parts 1-13! Barefoot and Pregnant Magazine!
Cabana's Day Job
Call Me "Cabanjaya"
(Yes, I know I don't look straight)
My parents. Listen to "Poetry with Cabana Boy's Mom, "The People's Champ" -- Oh and "add her as a friend" She's in my Top 8 (warning: She's Gangsta!)