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Surfing Armageddon


About Me

George Tabb has been behind the wheel of a car exactly once when his maniacal father Lester enlists him to take the family SUV all the way down I-95—with a trailer of pissed off horses in tow. He survives the journey only to find a hostile school environment (where Yankees and Jews are only tolerated after he convinces the entire football team he has a bionic arm) and a bizarre home environment (where the egomaniacal Lester has evicted a group home for retarded children in order to enact his well-financed dream of reconstruction the mansion Tara from Gone with the Wind.) Through it all George focuses on what’s saved teens with bad families for generations: the seemingly impossible quest to get laid. With the help of the Ramones, the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Tommy “God’s Gift to Women” Corn, Tabb gets a life. And after a harrowing first semester at the University of Florida—his roommate is a violent buffoon whose father is Grand Wizard of the KKK—even a little love.What are people saying about George Tabb? “George Tabb is the Professor of Punk" --Joey Ramone“the David Sedaris of punk” --Resonance Magazine

My Interests

About the author-- George Tabb grew up one of the few Jews in Greenwich, CT. After moving to Florida, he started one of the state's first hardcore bands, Roach Motel. Tabb later moved to New York where he played with bands like False Prophets, The Gynecologists and Furious George. He has written or currently writes monthly columns for Maximum Rock N' Roll, The NY Press and The Phoenix New Times. He also served in The Ramones for a short time. George Tabb lives with his dog, Scooter, where ever he can in North America.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is growing up, has grown up, remembers growing up, or who NEEDS to be reminded.


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MySpace Review! Yay!!!!!

Posted by Surfing Armageddon on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 02:33:00 PST

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Posted by Surfing Armageddon on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 02:29:00 PST

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Posted by Surfing Armageddon on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 07:01:00 PST