swing dance, art, piano, music in general, piano teaching, art teaching, theatre/film productions
You. If you're nice. Especially if you want to dance with me. Or eat some Asian foods. Or do something geeky.
Bluesy things, Jazzy swingy things, Gershwin, Rachmoninov, Blue Sky 5, Boilermakers, Tori Amos, Deathcab for Cutie, Postal Service, Decemberists, Tilly and the Wall, Mars Volta, MAE, the Fire Theft, Nightmare of you, Shapiro, Ben Folds, etc.
LOTR, the Fifth Element, American Beauty, Howl's Moving Castle, Spiderman
FMA and other anime, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes
Ishmael, Harry Potter, the Alchemist, Hyperion, Endemion, The Eyre Affair, Ender's Game, the Joy Luck Club, Fast Food Nation
Daniel Jackson of SG-1: he's pure of heart, courageous, brilliant, and, apparently, impossible to really kill. The same could be said for the cheerleader Claire Bennet and her uncle Peter Petrelli of HEROES.