♥ boys, bands, booze ♥
incase you were wondering i do write all my messages personally--i never copy and paste--so if i dont get back to you immeaditly im sorry! xoox
People I Want to Meet:
♥ Shaun White ♥
♥Taking Back Sunday ♥
♥ Fall Out Boy ♥
♥ My Chemical Romance ♥
♥ AFI ♥
♥ Hard Fi ♥
♥ Hot HOt Heat ♥
♥ Jack's Mannequin ♥
♥ Lost Prophets ♥
♥ Men Women and Children ♥
♥ Motion City Soundtrack ♥
♥ My American Heart ♥
♥ Nevertheless ♥
♥ Number One Gun ♥
♥ Off Broadway ♥
♥ Plain White Ts ♥
♥ Punchline ♥
♥ Quietdrive ♥
♥ RJA ♥
♥ Relient K ♥
♥ Rise Against ♥
♥ Saosin ♥
♥ Self Against City ♥
♥ The Starting Line ♥
♥ The Summer Obession ♥
♥ Three Days Grace ♥
♥ Thursday ♥
♥ and all the other bands i LOVE ♥
♥ and mabey you ♥
People I Have Met:
♥ Tyson Ritter x4 ♥
♥ Nick Wheeler x2 ♥
♥ Chris Gaylor ♥
♥ Mike Kennerty ♥
♥ Forrest (Hellogoodbye)♥
♥ Brandon Riley (Nightmare of You)♥
♥ William Beckett ♥
♥ Mike Carden ♥
♥ Adam Siska ♥
♥ Michael Guy Chislett ♥
♥ Jack BLack ♥
♥ Mike (Permanent Me)♥
♥ Hawthorne Heights ♥
♥ Cartel ♥
♥ Don (Love Arcade) ♥
♥ The Pink Spiders x2 ♥
♥ 30 seconds to mars ♥
♥ head automatica ♥
♥ Boys Like Girls ♥
♥ Cute is what we aim for ♥
♥ Envy On The Coast ♥
♥ All TIme Low ♥
A Change of Pace, A Small Victory, A Static Lulaby, The Academy Is, Acceptance, AFI, ALL AMERICAN REJECTS! Allister, Anti-Flag, Artic Monkeys, The Ataris, Boys like Girls, the summer obession, self againest city, 30 seconds to mars,Brand New, The Classic Crime, The Calling, Cartel, Click 5, Cobra Starsip, Cute is What we Aim for, Daniel Powter, Daphne Loves Derby, Dashboard Confessional, Del Ametri, Egale-Eye cherry, Envy on the Coast, Editors, Evan & Jaron, Eve 6, Fall Out BOy, The Forcast, The Format, The Fray, Funeral For a Friend, Gavain Degraw, Goo Goo Dolls, Good Charolttle, The gossiup, Green day, Gym Class heros, Hard-fi, hawthorne heights, head automatica, headstrong, hellogoodbye, Hidden in Plain view, hothotheat, Howie day, imogen heap, incubus, jacks maniquien, james blunt, jason maraz, kaiser chefs, kane hodder, kasbian, keane, kill hannah, the lashes, LCD soundsystem, less then jake, lfo, lovehatehero, lustra, matchbook romance, mewithoutyou, moneen, motion city soundtrack, my american heart, new found glory, new radicals, nickelback, 9days, NOFX, number 1 gun, oasis, ocularis, of montreal, office, ok go, over it, panic channel, PAnic! at the disco, paramore, pink spiders, plain white ts, portugal the man, the presets, puddle of mudd, punchline, pussy cat dolls, the red jumpsuit apperatus, relient k, rock kills kid, rouge wave, rooney, roses are red, saves the day, senes fail , shout out louds, showbread, simple plan, so they say, spoken, the spill canvas, spoon, stars, the starting line, stefy, the subways, sugarcult, sum 41, switchfoot, taking back sunday, teddy geiger, terminal, third eye blind, three days grace, thursday, tonic, under the influence, the used, the veronicas, walking concert, we are the fury, yellowcard..........
bamboozle '06:
the hush sound,
the spill canvas,
armor for sleep,
from 1st to last,
hawthorne heights (i met them!),
all american rejects (i love tyson),
fall out boy (grandtheft autum is playing on my ipod now),
the akas,
the pink spiders (i met them and 1 of them put a sticker on my stoumach and told me that it was firm! hell yea! lol),
over it,
this day and age,
the rocket summer,
october fall,
permanet me,
russian circles,
madina lake,
john ralston,
monty are i,
house of heros,
red jumpsuit apparatus (soo amazing live!),
flashlight brown,
amber pacific,
lorene drive,
the sleeping,
hidden in plain view,
hellogoodbye (i met forest and then beacuse i was so excited i told him sadie hawkins dance was my fav song! whoops),
relient k (beyond amazing live!),
streetlight manifesto,
motion city soundtrack (im soo mad i couldnt see them),
the killing moon,
love arcade (i have dons autograph) ,
van stone,
drive by,
keating ,
hit the lights,
minus the bear,
forgive durden,
patrick droney and the bleak city band,
the inout inout,
veda skyes,
phil bensen,
jonas brothers,
the killing sequence,
never the nines,
liam and me,
just surrender,
in harms way,
transfusion m,
the office, greys, desperate, october road and everything else
lovely bones, catcher in the rye, elephants drink water---and a bunch of other stuff
for years i was jealous of my friends--they all had passions--some for sports, school, art, other people and so much more--i felt lost-- then about a year or two ago something inside me clicked (all starting with move along--the album not the song) and i just started to love music--the beat, the sound, the people, the way it made me feel--i finally found my passion---i know this sounds soo werid but for me its true so when you yell at me (or type in all caps in a message) and tell me that im listening to the wrong stuff and that my taste in music is awful--please understand i have alot of catching up to do on all those people that have had this passion for what seems like lifetimes---but if you want to be really sweet i love getting messages with suggestions for bands--it makes life alot eaiser when great music pops up in my inbox--thanks