Instructions: This coding, starting with the cite tag above should go into your "i'd like to meet" section and should be the only thing in your i'd like to meet section. You may leave these instructions in place for reference, as they will not appear on your profile.You may edit anything between div tags in this section or edit images or anything requiring a url. However, as you do this, be extremely careful not to delete any starting or ending html tags or things like quotes, as deleting something could make your profile not work.
About Me.
I am a musician in a touring band. My ultimate goal is to be able to meet people from all over the world by playing shows and sharing my music with everyone that I can, and the easiest way is by making a ton of friends on here.
Since we're going to be touring (hopefully this summer); I'm aiming to know at least five people from wherever we're headed. :)
I found you by browsing MySpace,
usually off a band's page.
I don't mind if you deny my friend requests!
I understand that some people aren't fond of strangers, or just want privacy, and that's totally OK! I rarely post a lot of bulletins and junk like that, just meaningful stuff!
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Add Me.
I play bass and sing in The Loyal .
(click the banner to view our page!)
My Top 10 Listened Artists.
( Charts Since June 2006; Updated Weekly)
Recently Listened Tracks.
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The Loyal -- News/Shows
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