www.Artby Felicia.com profile picture

www.Artby Felicia.com

Each day gives me the opportunity to create something new

About Me


My Interests

ART, Other Artist, Photography, Books, Film, Vision, Promise, Beauty... Seizing every opportunity any using it to it's full potential. We all have things to learn and we all have things we can teach to others. Recognizing what each person has to offer to use is a gift. Even the bad things in life teach us and strenghten us.I love what I do and everyday I feel blessed that I am able to make a living drawing and painting for other people. I draw house portraits, to keep me in practice for creating my real art. To experience life for what it is to me. "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true." This life is my wish, my dream come true. I do what I love and I love what I do. What could be better than that.

I'd like to meet:

Any other ARTIST. Entrepreneurs. People who are motived. People who love life. People who love the smell of paint in the morning. People who believe in themselves, people who believe in success. People who are happy for their own success and the success of others. People who are happy, funny, positive. People who are creative. People who believe in a world beyond themselves.



Wizard of OZ, What Dreams May Come, Citizen Cane, Metropolis, movies with great visual images, live performance of Cirque de Soliel


LOST,CSI, Medium


How to think like Leonardo De Vinci, Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein, Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman, Illusions by Richard Bach, The Little Prince


I have the greatest admiration for my brother-Rich Niemeier (tech geek and great caricature artist) http://www.acoupleofadmins.com/ and my sisters Angie Votek (beautiful person on the inside and out) and Melissa Hardecopf (just as amazing as an artist as anyone else in the family). I have to thank my parents Paul Niemeier (amazing artist and architect) and Mary Ann Niemeier (creative artist) for all they have taught me. Of course my lovely niece who will some day become the person she wants to be. Other Artist: Marina Abramovic, Etienne Klein, Sarah Perry, Catherine Shake, De Vinci, Manet, Monet, Degas, Norman Rockwell, Mary Cassett, Toulouse Lautrec, Edward Curtis, Rodin, Henry moore, Georgia O'Keeffe, Salvidor Dali, Frank Lloyd Wright, Andrew Wyeth. Friends: Tim Cannon, Sam Vandiver, Joyce Slate, Ika Ives, Florence Barbosa, Meagan Bardon, Eric Stevens Teachers: Mr. Heath, Terri Shubach-Gordon, Marina Abramovic Very Special People to me: Julia and Kelsey Reeder, TJ and Shawn Cummings, Adam, Paul and Mark Yerkes, Nicky and Austin Ciamarcone, Jack, Matt and Tommy Baer.

My Blog

Next Show

                Thanks to the Daily Grind for having me back so soon. This will  focus on  my recent surreal landscape p...
Posted by www.Artby Felicia.com on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:35:00 PST

Inspiration .1 The Real World?

Someone recently asked me to discribe where I get the inspiration for my paintings. Most of my inspiration comes from my life. I find I don't have to look far, images are all around me. It is kind of...
Posted by www.Artby Felicia.com on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:00:00 PST

Thank you to all of you

I created these flags after returning from Saudi Arabia in 1991. For me they represent so many moments when we need to thank the people who have given their lives in service, for the beliefs that mak...
Posted by www.Artby Felicia.com on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:39:00 PST

Cruiz'in for NEW art

Sometimes I get this twinge, I start cruzing my friends profiles pics to see if anyone has changed their profile pic. I want to see something new, something, old, something different. If you haven't ...
Posted by www.Artby Felicia.com on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 03:39:00 PST

Lions and Tigers and Bears OH! MY!

I just thought I would pass along this little story my brother emailed me about a conversation between he and my nephew."Felicia, just wanted to let you know this little story.This morning while Dalto...
Posted by www.Artby Felicia.com on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 05:25:00 PST