marina profile picture


About Me

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i like the rain when im home watching a good movie, i dont have problems for to be drawing many hours alone, i like the music like hxc, punk and some indie bands, im interesed for the animal rigths, i love the nature, im consecuent be a vegan girl, in some situations im very shy with all my face red but not always not at all, i like play a lot to anything just the play of the moment, im interesed on the art and politics thems, when i have time i like go to the street and make some street art (but without a hiphop stetic!!), i love my carrera, graphic design; i study that in the University catholic of Valpraiso, but i dont like too much my teachers.... i from Santiago but i live here (in Viña del Mar, coast side) for my studies i like the photography, i love the photos of simple moments in life, find in the simple expressions the most amazing images. every weeks i make time for can ride bmx on spacially flatland, i ride since 3 years ago, in the first two years,i was doing street and since one year ago i doing flatland, i hope the spanish people can understand all this and the english people my english is not bad at all, so thats an idea of me, bye! :)
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My Interests

a u d i o v i s u a l & d e s i g n fotografia dia a dia

graphic design, flatland, veganism screamo, hardcore, punk, cats! drawing, wild posting, street art

I'd like to meet:



saetia. the clash. 1000 travels to jawaharlal,
teoria de un sueño muerto, vlado petrik,
understand, asamblea internacional del fuego,
banana diet barricade, de 1804,
kodan armada, belle epoque, la quiete
suis la lune. et tu brute. i would set. myself
on fire for you. june paik.mihai edrish. amanda serene. we leave at down.enoch ardon.
norma jean.anemone. bright eyes. ache emelie.
bikini kill. collin kramer. sounds like violence.
the ramones. not katies. 7 seconds.the clash.
anti flag. illegal process.
comeback kid. fear before the march of flames.
the distillers. pretty girls make graves.
against me. all. no cigar.pennywise. bad religion.
dashboard confessional. dropkickmurphys.


great expectations (L)
donnie darko
diamantes de sangre
butterfly effect
memento and blablablraaads...


animal planet.discovery channel. national geographic.
la belleza de pensar. documentales de animales.
and.. i hate the "reality shows"


el consumo me consume (tomas moulian).
muchas vidas muchos maestros (brian weiss).
a traves del tiempo (BRIAN WEISS)
Chomsky books
edgar alan poe.


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My Blog

my ilustration!

im now in santiago in my parent´s house so now i´ve to go to Valparaiso where i study tomorrow i ´ve class i make this ilustration with photoshop and ilustrator i like it &he...
Posted by marina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST