Hi there, my name is Tomás, i'm from Santiago de Chile, im studing to be a profesional guitar interpreter in ProJazz institute, actually i'm playing in:www.myspace.com/inexorablebandaI Love to make, studi and play music all day, hang out with my band and friends, listen to some great music and party every time i feel like it.
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||| 26%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 42%
Schizotypal |||||||||||| 46%
Antisocial |||||| 30%
Borderline |||||| 30%
Histrionic |||| 14%
Narcissistic |||| 18%
Avoidant |||| 18%
Dependent |||| 18%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14%