About Me
I'm Ayanna & I live in PA I'm single & I don't really care what you think about me, I'm ayanna, thats all that matters.People stare at me all the time, I don't care, It's actually pretty funny. I'm just trying to live my life, don't expect me to try to run yours, I could really care less. I'm loud, outgoing, and I laugh A LOT so don't be surprised if I act like I've known you forever, sorry if it scares you, It only comes naturally
I may be getting older but i still act like a 7 year old, I still chase butterflies and play with ladybugs,so? Yeah, I am really nice, being optimistic is just my nature I live my life the way I want to, I'm not trying to follow the same path that everyone else seems to be going. I'm going to make it far and I won't let a single one of you tell me otherwise. No, I don't want to become 'famous', or whatever, I just want to be me. No, I'm not that amazing, different yes, but amazing? I wouldn't think so.
I know where I stand in life and I have a lot going for me. Just because I can sound stupid sometimes, it doesn't mean that I am. I have morals, you should try getting some sometime too! I'm really not all that stupid. Try to use me for something or lie to me, I'll probably know it. Don't talk shit about me, you know absolutely nothing about me and just because you read this doesn't mean that you know me, okay?
I believe that everyone has a reason for being here. Everyone has their own individual purpose in life, through the smallest things they inspire people to do more, whether they know it or not. You are the person you are today because of people and their actions, one person can affect your life more than you know it. Choose your company wisely, the people that you surround yourself with are the people who will shape your future. Hopefully, you can find the kind of people who will support you through thick and thin, the kind of people who will have your back no matter what, those are the kind of people you can truly appreciate. If you already have those kind of people in your life, be thankful and just take a minute to thank them. A simple thank you can go farther than you think.
I Love the simplicity of things (daily life and in art) I like hearing the rain fall onto my roof, theres always something so calming about it. Oh, and heres a list:
late nights with friends, laughing about nothing, MT dew, dudes with facial hair, tattoos, piercings,animal print, festivals, theme parks, colored pencils, friends, family, hair dye, bright colors, walks, cameras, cellphone, pasta, boots, hoodies, band tees, jeans, tank tops, v-necks, plaid shirts, headbands, cherry blossoms, guitar,Spring weather, trees, laptops, big sunglasses,