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Vrindavan Cow

Cows are sacred and blessed and are sanctifiers of all. Mahabharata

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"To Kill Cows Means to End Human Civilization"
Srimad Bhagavatam. 1.4.9 Purport
From a yogin’s perspective, a cow is revered for the fortifying and complete meal offered by her milk. In the Mahabharata is a sloka, a verse:
Cows constitute the stay of all creatures. Cows are the refuge of all creatures. Cows are the embodiment of merit. Cows are sacred and blessed and are sanctifiers of all.
One should never, in even one’s heart, do an injury to cows. One should, indeed, always confer happiness on them.
"You have seen many pictures of Krsna, He is loving cow. Why cow is loved by Him? Why not another animal? There are many other animals. Why particularly cow? Why it is the most important business of the human society? So the example is set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead that human civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow protection. As soon as there is falldown from brahminical culture, and as soon as there is discrepancy in the protection of cows, there will be no more peace in the world. Therefore He specifically said, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. This Krsna consciousness movement is for the protection of brahminical culture and cows. Then automatically the peace of the world will come, if two things are done. This is Vedic literature. So therefore Krsna is teaching by His practical demonstration how He loves this innocent animal, cow. So human society should develop brahminical culture on the basis of protecting cows. The brahmana cannot take any other food except it is made of milk preparation. That develops the finer tissues of the brain. You can understand in subtle matters, in philosophy, in spiritual science."

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
"One should never show any disregard for cows in any way. If evil dreams are seen, men should take the names of cows. One should never obstruct cows in any way. Cows are the mothers of both the Past and the Future. Every morning, people should bow with reverence unto cows. Cows are sacred. They are the foremost of all things in the world. They are verily the refuge of the universe. They are the mothers of the very deities. They are verily incomparable. Cows are the mothers of the universe.* There is no gift more sacred than the gift of cows. There is no gift that produces more blessed merit." [From the Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Sections LXXXIII - LXXVII - LXXVI]
"There is also a protocol to the drinking of this nutrient rich elixir. Since milk is a fortifying food/beverage, it has a kapha increasing nature; basically this means that it should not be had in addition to your meal. The concept of a glass of milk with breakfast, lunch or dinner is alien to Ayurveda for common sense reasons. Milk, because of its nourishing properties, which include cold and heavy, usually needs to be drunk warm and, unless you have a very strong agni, (the digestive fire) some digestive herbs like ginger or cinnamon should be added. It can be drunk at night before bed or as a complete morning beverage." http://www.yogaeverywhere.com/wisdom/index.html
Milk is rejuvenating and nourishing, promotes growth and balance, increases strength and intellect. It is useful in shwas (dyspnoea), kas (cough), atipyas (excessive thirst), bhukh (hunger), jeemajwar (chronic fever), mutrakruchha (urinary tract infection) and raktapitta (haematuria).
Among all the types of milk, cow's milk is considered to be the best. It is very good for infants, toddlers and aged people.
Ayurveda considers ghee as madhur rasa with Vata and Pitta dosha pacifying qualities. It is good for growth of the all seven dhatus in the body (body fluids, blood, flesh, fat, bones, marrow and semen). It is best suited to people of every age, children, young and old alike. Ghee makes all sensory organs more efficient. It also enhance the growth of hair, formation of bones (rejoins broken bonesin injury), growth of hair and improves skin complexion. It is made of all five elements – pruthvi, jala, agni, vayu and aakash, which are basic elements of the life.
"Different scholars of Ayurveda has described various uses and benefits from the cow Ghee (clarified butter). Maharshi Charak says cow ghee is stimulates appetite. It balances Vata and Pitta dosha, reduces poison in the body, increases memory and intelligence. Cow Ghee is considered as the best among all fat substances and thousands of formulas for medicated ghee are described in Charak Samhita for the treatment of various illness. Ayurveda describes cow Ghee as antiseptic, antibiotic and best preservative. There is no need for any other preservative for cow Ghee."
"One who drinks buttermilk never suffers (from disease). The diseases burned out (cured) by buttermilk never recur. As "amrut”) is to the suras (devatas), so buttennilk is to humans. Butter is binding, astringent and sour to taste) sweetish in vipaka, light in rasa, warm in veerya, kindles the digestive fire, increases libido. Buttermilk and whey have been used in cases of swelling, abdominal diseases, piles, anorexia, splenomegaly, poisoning, anaemia, diarrhoea, jaundice, hypertension, malaria, worm infestations, etc. However, the use of buttermilk is contraindicated in patients with wounds) bums and blood disorders.
According to Aurveda all cow milk products are naturally healing, being very palate food, in the mode of goodness(Satvic/goodly), improving personal qualities for the people, who are regularly taking products from cow milk.

My Interests

Krishna's Holy land Vrindavan become a healthy and happy home for Krishna's favorities pets cows(two photos shows of same cows before the rescue and after) BEFORE AND AFTER

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Anyone who care for cows! Thank you!

"Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and without brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled." [Srimad Bhagavatam 8.24.5 purport]

"Grief is improper for other reasons besides those of Truth." - Bhagavad-Gita.

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Culture? What Culture?

Culture? What Culture? --> -->--> start main content --> --> --> --> begin content --> The I-5 freeway that runs between Los Angeles and San Francisco is a long, straight stretch of road. The landsca...
Posted by Vrindavan Cow on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:05:00 PST