The One, the Only, House. profile picture

The One, the Only, House.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Well let say that I am a young man of the past. I believe that I man is suppose to hold the door open for a women no matter how long it takes her to walk through it. I think that a man is suppose to pay for everything unless the women wants to. I am also aman of the new times because I have no problem with crying in public if I deem it to be right. I keep my word when it is given and I make sure that all the people thatI know who are my friends are doing okay. That makes me the biggest "Teaddybear," in the world. But it is just me.

My Interests

I am into just about everything. I can get into any if it is presented to me the right way. The only thing I can't get into is things that may hurt a little to much in the long run.

I'd like to meet:

Eger Allan Poe, Dave Chapelle, Bill Golgberg, ROb Shnider, and anyone who like to meet those people.


all music and I'm willing to listen to anything I haven't listened to.


I like watching all football movies, Spawn, Army of darkness,all the Highlander movies, all of the Rob Shnider movies, the Marvel movies, cheazzy B movies, any scary movie and any DragonBall Z movie.


I watch everything except daytime T.V. and to much


my mother and every male that I had to grow-up in my life. The Guyver.

My Blog

It is what it is.

 In the times of new we have come to find that are greatest enemy is no longer on the outside looking in but inside looking out. Those who have seen their very world fall infront of them relize t...
Posted by The One, the Only, House. on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:36:00 PST

Is it all worth it.

 In this day and age we find ourselves wondering if the life of another is the life we should be taken. Because Jake and Jill got married and have kids, does it mean that I should go out and find...
Posted by The One, the Only, House. on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:43:00 PST

What is life?

 Well hello again people, this is just me here trying to see what Life is all about. I am trying to figure out if I should do school full time or I should do school and work both part time. I wou...
Posted by The One, the Only, House. on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:44:00 PST

I want to be your man.

I have been at this school for a semester and I have found that all I am missing right now is a girlfriend. I am looking for any girl how is shorter than me and is in college or has had some schooling...
Posted by The One, the Only, House. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST