The only way to get their attention is to kill or be killed. If you ask us what's going to happen in the near future, we have no fucking idea. Sorry for using the word 'idea.' We are ready to go to war or move on to peace. -Subcomandante Marcos Revolt! Revolt! Revolt! REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION! music... nature... cooking... ART! Psychology. demolition of religion's blind vision...
Who is this God everyone speaks about with such high and positive remarks? Who is this God that allows children to suffer from hunger, ignorance to rule the world, and good people to be victims of others' cruelty? This is religion's version of God. I wanna meet a superior being. Someone worth of mine, and everyones respect.
Anyone with a fucken brain!!!! A Jewish Nazi and a black member of the KKK. puff the magic dragon and biggus dickus... a person who can speak about human nature without a closed minded explanation for every idea that is contrary to theirs. People with rebellious minds.. creatures from a different planet... a different galaxy, and even people from a different universe.
Music today is SHIT!
Action movies i can't take seriously. horror movies are rubbish for the mind. drama movies are alright. but comedies are best cos even if poorly directed, that's the point of them.. to be funny.
Fuck Television...
books full of facts...
my mom, my guitar teacher, Philosophers, Scientists. Malcolm X Subcomandante Marcos Che Guevara