ST Enterprises profile picture

ST Enterprises

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About Me

Well, by this time you've realized
something is different.
This page is going through
a transformation to become...
ST Enterprises
my design and creative site.

I've opened a Myspace Music page!
Please check it out. All the information and music that was here can be found on my new page.

You can find it by clicking the button below.

My Interests

I'm known as a "nice guy" by my friends. I can be witty and funny too. I don't mean to be smug, but I have no time for loosers. I'm always glad to lend a hand when a friend is in need.

Mainly Strats, but you know... use the right tool for the job!

Harley Davidsons Baby!

Writing Code, Surfing, building and upgrading.

I'd like to meet:

This is the band you'll have to
come out and see!
We're gonna' sooth you with soul
and rock your socks off!

Come see what all the buzz is about!For More Information About The Band

I'd like to meet
YOU one of my next shows!


Use the iPod to give us a listen


My Parents...
There's not enough space here to explain why.
Let me say this, If I lived my life a thousand times, I could never repay them for what they've given me. Thank you!

Anyone who thinks of others before themself in a crisis situation.Myspace Site Development by:

My Blog

A Snapshot Of Steve...

I'm a Chicago boy at heart.  Born and raised on the north side of Chicago.I just love this town! I'm into technical things like, computers, electronics, and gadgets.  As a child, I was alw...
Posted by ST Enterprises on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 01:04:00 PST