Steve, (AKA: Reno VonGitbox) has been playing guitar for over 30 years, and has been active in the Chicago music scene for about 25 years.
It's been a long, strange trip for Steve. "I've been influenced by absolutely everyone. People have told me that they've recognizedplayers' styles in my playing that I've heard but not really studied. I really appreciate that. But if I had to choose... I would saythe major influences would be the "Trinity". You know, Clapton, Beck and Page. But you can't overlook anyone."
"I've been very lucky in my musical life to have played with, and met some really great musicians. Friends forever! The Chicagoland area has such a wealth of artistic talent. Thanks for letting me ride along."
"Now... SOULed SLAVES! These guys are a blast to jam with. It's amazing how everything just falls into place when the notes start flying!", Steve says.
"The overall sound of a band is what I'm most concerned with. To me, it's a sum of all the parts. It's about everyone adding something to the stew. If something is missing, you can taste it."
So, the big question is,
Who is Reno VonGitbox
Well, let's start with the name: VonGitbox... Do any of you know what a "Gitbox" is?
git·box [git'boks] noun,
1) A stringed musical instrument with a long, fretted neck, a flat, some what violin like body, and typically six strings, which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.
2) A Smokin' Hot lookin', Sweat Sounding Guitar that makes you drool.