Amber profile picture


girls just want to have fun!!!!

About Me

I'm currently working as a personal trainer. I moved here in July of 2005 from Florida to pursue tv hosting, dancing and singing. Back in little Sarasota, FL I was a personal trainer and nutrition counselor, so health and fitness has always been a major part of my life. I also love sports like basketball, tennis and poker... yes poker IS A SPORT! But then there's my fixation with extreme sports. My main focus at the moment is traveling around getting footage of me Skydiving, BASE jumping and diving with sharks for my website/demo reel, coming soon.. We can get over being poor, but it takes longer to get over being ignorant. What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are. THOUGHTS/NEWS on GLOBAL WARMING: I do strongly suggest seeing the movie "The Inconvenient Truth". I had no real expectations of the movie before I saw it, and I knew global warming was an issue, but after watching it I realized that this is something that must not be taken lightly. The time to do something if we are going to save this planet is right NOW! There is alot of very interesting scientific data in this documentary not to be missed. Educate yourself on what is really going on! There is no doubt we can solve this problem. In fact, we have a moral obligation to do so. Small changes to your daily routine can add up to big differences in helping to stop global warming. It is time to come together to solve this problem.

My Interests

I am a woman of many passions. Besides photography I have many hobbies that keep me active and occupied. I play tennis and basketball, run everyday, and I love to do Bikrim yoga and boxing, and even an avid poker player. As a former personal trainer and nutrition counselor, fitness and health is a big part of my life. But on a different note my future goal is to host my very own extreme sports/travel show, and also design homes.

I'd like to meet:

i wouldnt mind metting angelina jolie or even al core or bill clinton..but anyone else well do




i LOVE scary movies it gives you and excuse to be all over a guy hahaha


i like everything nothing in practicular my favorite though would be on those late nights when porn cums on haha jk lol




my mama because she is the graetest person in the world!