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Relationship Consultant - The Real Hitch

About Me

Hello! I just started my new MMA Clothing line called HURT. Come see my pics wearing the ARMBAR shirt! Please support me in buying a shirt as 10% of the proceeds go to buying calling cards for Troops so they can call home to their families. My brother is a soldier in Iraq and he says all the soldiers just give away gift baskets and the food that they receive to other soldiers, but the calling cards are the most valuable gifts they can receive.!

Also, I have been studying relationships and the dynamics between men and women young and old. Helping people meet and create that incredible connection that they have ever felt before.I love to help people find happiness in each other or meet that special someone or even to help you find that special someone and then when you find them, how to close the deal.So for you women and men out there, that just can't close the deal with that special someone, drop me a line.

My Interests

relationships, sales, marketing, drag racing, muscle cars, motorcycles, DJing, business, web design, fashion, and love for photography.


dance, hip hop, classical, newave, alternative, and rock. will tolerate country, but only really like a select few.


top gun, scarface, godfather, hitch, ever after, romeo must die


alias, boston legal, las vegas, numbers, ultimate fighter, property ladder


think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people, rich dad poor dad, art of the deal


jay abraham