Brave Tin Soldiers is a Chicago based trio consisting of long-time friends guitar player Pete Alexander, bass player Jason Kedsch, and drummer Patrick Szczypinski.
Taking cues from bands such as Muse, Stereophonics, and Radiohead, Brave Tin Soldiers brings energy and excellent songwriting back to the spotlight with a heavy hitting rhythm section and piercing melodies. BTS brings a seriously thick tone to all their songs and tastefully blends dynamics, sections of all out power and drive, and torn down sections of songs to make a truly unique and well thought out kind of musical experience. Their live show is truly something to behold.
This band brings the rock.
“Words are beautiful but restricted. They're very masculine, with a compact frame. But voice is over, the dark, the place where there's nothing to hang on: it comes from a part of yourself that simply knows, expresses itself, and is." - Jeff Buckley
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