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About Me

It doesn’t matter who SoundChaser is. It matters who you are. More important, it matters who you will be! Will you be a complacent subject in a nation run by a professional ruling class, obeying their rules and allowing them to make your decisions? Or will you be a free citizen of the United States of America, a nation founded on the principle that no one has the right to rule the lives of others?

My Interests

First and foremost, I am a Christian. I am not associated with any particular denomination, nor do I subscribe to the pop-culture-christianity so prevalent in our society. I have simply accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, acknowledged that I am a sinner, and am attempting to live my life according to his teachings. I believe the Bible, for all it has been mistranslated and corrupted throughout the ages, contains God’s truth. It is His letter to His children, and we should listen to what He tells us in His letter.

Second, I am an American. I understand that the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land and that no judge, no Congress, and no administration can change that law. Anything the Judicial, Legislative, or Executive branches of the national government do that violates the Constitution is illegal! I believe in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and small government. I truly believe that our nation was founded on the revolutionary concept that no one has the right to rule over the lives of other people. Our form of government was designed to restrict its own ability to limit individual liberty. We must restore the constitutional limitations on our government!

I'd like to meet:

By sharing my thoughts on a variety of subjects, thoughts influenced by some of the greatest minds history has provided, I hope to gather together Americans (and citizens of the world) who truly believe in Liberty . I further hope to correct some of the fallacies pounded into our heads by the press and the politicians. I believe we the people are meant to rule this great nation, and we the people need to regain control. I am not interested in meeting defeatists who believe there is no chance of regaining our freedom. I want to meet people who believe in faith, hope, and love, who are willing to try - even to dedicate their lives – to restore the United States of America to its position as the first truly free nation in history.


Feel free to listen to my FREE Internet radio station on Yahoo's LaunchCast. All you need is a Yahoo ID. My goal is to provide a rather eclectic mix of styles and tastes formed through the decades by staying receptive to quality in all its guises. You may not find everything you like, or like everything you find, but I think you'll enjoy it! :-)

Here's a link to a musical ministry I truly enjoy:


The Bible. I don't care which translation you read; but I recommend you read several different ones and compare them. A good site to use is Bible Gateway . You can find any verse in nearly any language and any translation. You can even do a "topical" search.Anything by Andrew Wommack .The Purpose Driven Live by Rick Warren . I am not just reading this book, I am studying it and working to apply it to my daily life. An awesome book for everyone!Arguably the second most important book you could ever read is "Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle" by Dr. Mary J. Ruwart. This book exposes so many of the lies perpetuated by the media and politicians, and offers "win-win" solutions to a majority of the problems facing our society. Dr. Ruwart's book is largely responsible for returning me to a life of political awareness and education."State of Fear" by Michael Crichton is a must-read for anybody who has ever HEARD the term "global warming." Oh, you've heard of global warming?? Then read "State of Fear!" Not only is it an amazingly entertaining adventure novel, but Crichton completely documents the truth and the real facts about the global warming conspiracy, as well as explaining why the whole farce exists. This book will keep you spellbound from cover to cover!Speaking of captivating novels, "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown is also a must read. However, if you for one second actually believe its underlying tenets, PLEASE contact me. Unlike "State of Fear" whose author documents all his claims, "DaVinci" is based on legend and speculation. Nevertheless, it is a great novel.Regardless of what books you read, READ!! Turn off the boob tube, get comfortable, and READ!! If you are not spending at LEAST as much time every day reading as you are watching TV, you are atrophying your brain!! And if the world walks all over you, you have no legitimate gripe. It's your mind, EXERCISE IT!!

My Blog

Our Horrible and Cruel Heavenly Father?

There are many misconceptions, among Christians and non-Christians alike, about the nature of our heavenly Father. To my friends who do not believe in God, and to my friends who believe differently th...
Posted by SoundChaser on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:11:00 PST

Should Christians Block Casinos?

My friends at No Limits Ministries recently posted a bulletin about the fight between the Church in their area and people who are trying to get government to allow gambling establishments in that area...
Posted by SoundChaser on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 10:40:00 PST

No Limits Ministry Survey

No Limits Ministry (who can be found on my Friends List or using the following URL: ) recently conducted a survey. I thought I'd share my answers for those who ...
Posted by SoundChaser on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 12:35:00 PST

A controversial subject...

A few weeks ago someone in a discussion group in which I occassionally participate stated that, while she agrees with Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) on nearly every issue, she cannot support his candidac...
Posted by SoundChaser on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST and its ilk...

Recently a friend of mine posted a bulletin showing a video of Bono and other celebrities urging us to vote for certain politicians in the name of "helping eradicate poverty" from the world. I thought...
Posted by SoundChaser on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

Knowing God

By far, the replies to my blog "A Chilling Question" have shown that God's love is experiential. I just read my friend Mitzi's blog, "Two Types of Knowledge" and thought I'd share my reply to her...
Posted by SoundChaser on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:41:00 PST

A Chilling Question

In the Catch of the Day for April 27, 2007, which I posted as a bulletin, someone asks John Fischer the following question: "I've never had any sense that the God of Creation knew I existed. It has ju...
Posted by SoundChaser on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:54:00 PST

VA Tech Shooting

A little over a year ago, Virginia Delegate Todd Gilbert introduced a bill to the Virginia General Assembly to allow law-abiding citizens to carry legal weapons on campuses in Virginia. The bill, HR 1...
Posted by SoundChaser on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:59:00 PST

Who Killed Jesus? (and why?)

One of my favorite (though only recently discovered) preachers is Andrew Wommack. He has on his website a series of daily devotionals called One Year With Jesus. In today's piece he states emphaticall...
Posted by SoundChaser on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 06:01:00 PST

The Insanity of the War on Drugs

I must say at the outset that I do not condone the use of "mind-altering" substances for recreational purposes. In my younger days I tried marijuana and other "60s" type drugs, and I used to enjoy my ...
Posted by SoundChaser on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:03:00 PST