eL-Cookizo Rock / Almighty AZIZI HUSTLAZZ profile picture

eL-Cookizo Rock / Almighty AZIZI HUSTLAZZ

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

eL-Cookizo Rock represent Almighty Azizi Hustlazz Crew Poland

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My Interests

Raw bboying, rapping, hiphop journalism, philosophy, bboy bussiness
Check new LP called: Azizi Hustlazz: eL-Cookizo - Tylko drzewa umieraja stojac?download here: www.tylkodrzewaumierajastojac.prv.pl


Rap (from Old to the New especially laidback vibe) Soul (from Al Green to Alicia Keys) Jazz (From Nu-Jazz to Bebop)..
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Woody Allen, Bergman, Fellini, Almodovar, Visconti


No thanks... ONLY ABSTRACT TV.. .."425" height="350" ..

Azizi Hustlazz in heavy rotations


Only Philosophical, Astronomy and Hip Hop books.


Stevie Wonder, Prince Ken Swift, Remind, Lil' John, Abstrak, Storm, Socrates, Epicurus, F. Nietzsche, I. Berlin, J.S. Mill, Schopenhauer, Bob James, Gift Of Gab, Mos Def