FIRST: The new album by "Uncle Moe's Space Ranch" is complete and will be in stores soon. It's title is "Moe's Town" and it's on Tone Center records. (BTW:The name does not reflect the style, this is in your face, instumental madness!) Look under "Uncle Moe's Space Ranch" in both the rock/jazz sections at your local CD stores.
"Moe's Town" is fast and furious, old and new school, produced and raw, analog and digital, upbeat and downbeat...with Chambers, Willis, Kinsey, Garsed, Helmerich, Fierabracci, Chergui and Donati, you can somewhat guess what might happen.....
but guess again!.... x9...songs
"Moe's Town" is enjoyment on Compact Disc. I hope it makes you think, it did me.
Now the BIO:
It all started with The Poggletoogs. My first band and mentor to this day. That's because it was before I knew how to play...I was at my best.
Playing music with structure began around 11yrs. Kiss was my inspiration...then UFO. For some reason I decided to develope a style on guitar using all 8 fingers. I thought it would look impressive.
After years of trial and error, I found my voice with it and decided to pursue what became my lifes quest.
I worked on vocals and engineering alot too. They are both great passions of mine. And vocalists get the chicks, though I thought that the 8 finger thing would be enough. Somehow that attracted dudes...that and engineering. I love singing.
I've been fortunate enough to have recorded, or made music with some of the greatist musicians on the planet. Brett Garsed is one of those greats. Together we have had a 14 year collaberation that has turned out 4 amazing albums with a 5th in the works.
They are: Quid Pro Quo/Exempt/Under the Lash of Gravity/Uncle Moe's Space Ranch.
All recieved rave reviews and put us in the Guitar mags!
Somewhere in there I managed to create a department at Musicians Institute called RIT (Recording Institute). I worked as Department Head for 8 years. Now I just teach, though I miss bossing people around. Well...I guess that's what teaching for.
I've toured all over the the whole wide world. Recently with Planet X (Derek Sherinian, Virgil Donati) filling in for Tony MacAlpine. And in Paul Gilberts band (Mr. Big) handeling both lead singing/guitar duties. Of course Brett and I have had our fair share of shows and clinics.
Over the years there is somewhere in the vicinity of 80 or so albums I've 1st engineered/mixed. They are names like Stanley Clarke, Ron Wood, Scott Henderson, The Neville Bros, TJ Helmerich, Jeff Beck...legends many of them. And I must say, some are destin to become klassic recordings!
Most recent, I've been throwing ideas around with Dweezil Zappa (He was kind enough to have me play a solo on his latest CD...thanks Dweezil!), jamming with Ric Fierabracci, Virgil Donati, Brenie Galane, Jeff Bowders, Joel Hoekstra ...basically anyone willing to come by "THEHELM", my North Hollywood studio/jampad/homeless shelter. That and watching discovery/science/history/adult swim channels .
The Begining
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