Computers, networks, hardware, software, gadgets, coffee, cigarettes, and video games.
Every last one o' yuhs!
Exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from the set of TechFellas!
Alvin Anson (center), who had a role in the Miramax motion picture The Great Raid stops by and chats with producers Aaron Goodmiller and Donnie Conty.
Phil Piruzzi Filsoof, John Waldron, and Demetrius Parker run through a quick wardrobe check before the first scene.
Troy Foreman, enjoying a moment between scenes (without the coke bottle glasses...)
Brian Coughlin and Ann Limberger prepare for the infamous "How am I smart?" lunch table scene.
"Just don't go bustin' my balls, Billy!" Demetrius Parker and writer/producer Richard Friend share a laugh between takes.
John Waldron lays down his terrific voiceover, as Director of Photography Aaron Bagby records, and Richard Friend and writer/director Eric Espejo listen in.
"Tommy, Henry, and Jimmy" discuss how the first scene will be shot.
.. " /
The downfall. A disheveled "Henry" prepares for the final sequence.
Just some of the great cast of TechFellas.
TechFellas crew: DP Aaron Bagby; producers Eric Espejo, Richard Friend, Donnie Conty, Aaron Goodmiller; and makeup artist Sarah Baker, who seems very skeptical about drinking her coffee... :)
Rags to Riches, Sunshine of Your Love, Layla... The GoodFellas soundtrack.
Take a guess, wiseguy.
Wholesome family entertainment.
Fuhgeddaboudit! We don't let nobody see the books.
Paulie, Henry, Jimmy, Tommy, Billy Balls, Frenchy, Anthony Unix, Nicky P-Drive, Frankie the Mac, Annie Nextel, Freddy No-Nos, and Jenny Two-Clicks—who got that nickname by doubleclicking everything on her computer, no matter what she was tryin' to do. Oh yeah, and the fine gentlemen at 19th & Wilson .