Stuff and things, duct tape, penguins, people with a sense of humor who appreciate irony with a good merlot, sunsets, poetry, sarcastic cynical commentary, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, people who take forever to put down what their interests REALLY are, howling at the moon, tickle fights, atheist leather clad bitches from hell, goths, vampyre girls (none of that Anne Rice bullshit- WAAAYYY TOO friggin serious),Oblivion, Soul Reaver, RPGS....
I'd like to meet:
Irving Klaw, fellow oddballs, hooligans, fetishists, mindfreaks, Nulls, Whisperers in the Dark, Sailors on the Seas of fate, Malkavians, miscreants and ne'er do-wells. Gamers, losers and hangers-on, Camp followers of Satan, Damsels in distress, freaks, rebel nerds without a clue...etc...etc....
adopt your own virtual pet!
Nine inch Nails, Type o Negative, Bach, Vampire Beach Babes, Cruxshadows, Beethoven, Chopin, Evanessence, Nine inch nails, Dead can dance, Dead Kennedies, Jesus why the fuck do people care about this shit ??
Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, Star Wars (the Original trilogy), Legends of the Fall, Kill, Bill, Full Metal Jacket, Dawn of the Dead (original), Wizard of Oz, Texas Chainsaw massacre (original), Saw, SEVEN, Pumpkinhead, Phantasm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Charmed, Forever Knight, The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Critic, Millenium, My TV stays locked on G4 channel anymore now.
Lord of the Rings, Dr. Seuss, Anne Rice, pretty much anything written by Laurell K. Hamilton. I have an autographed book from her :)Spend a lot of time nerding it up with RPG books either reading or writing stuff for them.
Heroes are a construct for children; an impossible ideal one can never achieve. If you cannot find a person to appreciate within yourself- why bother ??