I enjoy shopping, my favorite stores are Dillard's, Belk, Macy's, and Wal-Mart and I'm a big clotheshorse, reading and collecting books, music of all kinds, coffee coffee and more coffee, the ocean, football, especially the Gators and Steelers, travel, renting movies, museums, history, civil war era, antiques, reading and writing poetry, Sylvia Plath, guilty Starbucks lover, raspberry mocha frappucinos, vanilla lattes, camping, I'd like to camp on the beach someday, the water, trying new things, Coast to Coast radio, Las Vegas, accounting, writing, beer, laughter, comedy, Lewis Black, burning and collecting candles, rain rain and more rain, colorful flowers, the south, bars like Harry's and Calico Jacks, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, more beer, hanging out with cool people, texting a lot, random surprises, tattoos of which I have three, relaxing in my pjs, the Hippodrome, ethnic foods, white tea, board games, old video games, Hello Kitty stuff, beanie babies, incense, ezboards, learning, friendships, watching tv, romance, video poker, fireplaces, MySpace obviously, web design, and a lot more. I want go to Lightner museum in St. Augustine again and New Orleans, those are my far off travel plans.
I'd like to meet:
People who are genuine and nice, online or off. If I added or accepted you it's because I think we have something in common or I thought you were interesting =D I love to exchange comments and blog comments, so please don't be scared to add me. Also please read below:
I don't use any messengers. I'm not looking for anyone. The guys I've dated this year alone have been enough for me to try to figure out and I'm not up for anything else right now, plus I want to focus on my work and enjoy the holidays without drama. I have this page for *fun* because I love to comment back and forth and make friends.
I *would* like to meet Dave Matthews, John Cusack, and Urban Meyer, though. ;)
I love all my friends, both online and offline. I will always try to be a good friend to those who let me. Many of my online friends have treated me better than people who I've called my friends IRL. Please add me :-) and comment me, and I'll comment back. Have a great day!
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I like alternative/indie rock, blues, bluegrass, classic rock, 80s music, and jazz in that order. My favorite band is Dave Matthews Band and I saw them in concert 9/11/07!! Some other favorites are Miles Davis, Audioslave, Coldplay, U2, Barenaked Ladies, Alisson Krauss, Crossfade, Stone Temple Pilots, Rob Zombie, Alanis Morissette, Cranberries, Weezer, Enya, Enigma, Fall Out Boy, Goo Goo Dolls, Maroon 5, Cinderalla, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush, Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails, Nickelback, B B King, Alana Davis, Lily Allen, Joss Stone, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis, System of a Down, Killers, Pearl Jam, Tegan & Sara, Jem, James Blunt, and a ton of music I pick up at Starbucks -- I love unsigned bands and "Off The Clock" is one of my favorite CDs ever and a must buy !!! I like that "1973" song by James Blunt because that's the year I was born.
Some of my favorite movies are Fandango, Pay It Forward, Citizen Kane, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Grandma's Boy, Dante's Peak, Twister, Clerks, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Good Will Hunting, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Scent of a Woman, Fight Club, Office Space, Napoleon Dynamite, American Beauty, Beautiful Mind, Analyze This, Analyze That, Meet The Parents, Raising Arizona, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Goodfellas, The Day After Tomorrow, Skeleton Key, Leaving Las Vegas, Almost Famous, Open Water, Open Water II, SAW, Borat, Talladega Nights, Smokin' Aces, Serenity, Wild Hogs, Knocked Up, 1408, The Bug, Premonition, Snow Cakes, Reign Over Me -- top pick, and a ton more. I don't mind horror but I thought The Hills Have Eyes was way scarier than The Ring. I love John Cusack and can't wait to see his next movie out in November !!!
When I'm around I watch HOUSE MD, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Big Love, Weeds, Mind of Mencia, Wife Swap, Medium, Firefly, Family Guy, The Hills, Laguna Beach, Reno 911, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Dead Like Me, Ice Road Truckers, American Idol, It's Always Sunny In Philadephia, Sex and the City, Big Brother, Comedy Central, Discovery and History channels, love documentaries, news, CNN, any football that's on, and those old shows Coach and Sanford and Son; I've watched a lot of TV Land, I like to fall asleep to it.
I love reading and collecting books. My favorite used bookstore in Gainesville is Books Inc. My favorite books are "The Stand" (long version) by Stephen King and "The Devil Wears Prada". I'll read anything from chic-lit to horror. Some of my other favorites are "Running With Scissors", "Dry", "Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married", "She's Come Undone", "I Know This Much Is True", "8.4", "The Next Big Thing", "Flowers In The Attic", "Saving Karyn", "Shopaholic" series, "Into The Wild", "War Day", "The Making of Minty Malone", "The Trials of Tiffany Trott", "Cell", "Misery", "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon," "Into Thin Air", "The Coming of the Global Superstorm", "102 Minutes", and others that I'll list. A book has usually got to make me laugh out loud or scare me. I've read a lot of Stephen King and Dean Koontz, Sophia Kinsella and Marian Keyes, as well true crime, ... I love Anne Rule and have a rather large true crime collection. I love used bookstores :D I also like to read the Psalms in the Bible once in awhile. (I'm an agnostic Christian and a Baha'i after much soul searching earlier this year.) I'd like to read "Everything's Eventual" by Stephen King next.
My parents who brought me into this world.
My best friend Donna for helping me when I most needed it.
Lewis Black for making me laugh.
John Stewart for keeping me updated on political affairs ;)
My ex-husband for helping me above and beyond what he had to do.
The people who do my laundry at the wash and fold.