What else for a short blurby thingy... I dig on the supernatural (although I'm getting fed up with the supposed ghosts here at Olivet - why is it that everyone else gets haunted, or has random crap happen to them, except me? I am bitter and angry! lol ;oP), am into FX make-up (I'm also the head tech down at my college's theater department, when it comes to doing make-up for our performances.. Basically, whenever a show is going on, I get a call to come down to the theater and do make-up for peeps) and handle a scalpel exceedingly well (I got to lance and flush out an abscess on a degu, as part of my job - I rock the motherfuckin hizzhouse, yo lol)...
There's a very good reason why I've been referred to as the 'Campus Snape', and it's not just because I play in the chemistry labs quite often - I'll let you figure that out for yourselves though. I oil paint, can read a 200 page book in an hour and tried out the whole tv acting thing (I don't like it though. I like theatrical performing much better). I'm an uber microbiologist type person... I can be quite dangerous when it comes to the sciencey sorts of things that take place in a lab. No joke.
Here's an awesome video, I just randomly found. You should watch it. I'm kind of obsessed with Hannibal (along with Severus Snape, as if that wasn't obvious enough...) Hannibal Lecter - Requiem for a Dream
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Yeah, yeah.. And I'm a bad cat...