"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
- Dr. Seuss
Thanks to my friend AliceMoonlight for the above quote of utter brilliance.
I study for and work with computers. I love computers! They're logical, follow simple instructions, and don't yell back at you. Hence, my nextgirlfriend will be a computer. Or maybe not - they have their deficiencies also. No soft parts, and stuff.
ABOVE: The Gare du Luxembourg. Was there every day for two years to take the train to Trier, Germany, where I went to school. Of course,traveling across Europe by train is very much fun. I miss it.
ABOVE: Luxembourg , my home city, at night. Purty, ain't it? :)
"Stultus in risu exaltat vocem suam; vir autem sapiens vix tacite ridebit"
-- "The fool raises his voice in laughter, but the wise man will scarcely laugh in silence."
This myspace site has been created as an outlet for me to display what I like. I hope like-minded people enjoy it, and non-like-minded peoplewill learn something new. I'm NOT here for cybersex or other junk that mature and self-assured people do not need, so do NOT message me withany of that. However, I am always interested in a good intellectual discussion, of themes mature and silly alike. I speak English, German,Spanish, French, and Luxembourgish, so feel free to contact me in any of those languages. Assuming you have a basic understanding of thespelling and grammar in your language of choice, that is. I do not tolerate people who think they know enough about computers to post half-naked, drunken-hazed pictures of themselves on-line yet are unable to find the spell-check button.
Inside me a light was turned on
And then I was alive
- Waterproof Blonde: "Just close your Eyes"
I link stuff a lot. I consider myself educated, and thus consider it my divine responsibility to educate the less fortunate. Hence, if you readthis (and you are, right now) and want to find out more about what I'm blah-blahing about, just follow the links.
I'm a goth . I am also Gothic. That's a difference, which I am quite aware of. I am a goth -which, unlike popular belief, does not mean that I wear black and sacrifice cats at midnight but, in it's truest form, means that I am a freethinker and a non-confirmist. I do wear predominantly black, have long dyed-black hair, various earrings and tattooes and all that stuff, butthat's my personal choice and preference and is not done in order to "fit in" or conform to any group. See, you can be a Goth without "lookingGoth" - (which I don't, half of the time... I even have a pair of white jeans! GASP!). If you had to conform to a certain look or dress code tobe "Goth" then you'd be disqualified from being one because Goths are essentially non-conformists. Ever since the Middle Ages, when Goths builttheir architecture different and everyone else thought they sucked. They didn't care then, we don't care now. Makes sense? I just like the wayI look better than if I tried to look any other way. I am not, however, an anarchist. I obey laws. I just don't obey customs, unless I likethem. That's an important distinction.
Don't believe in fear
Don't believe in pain
Don't believe in anyone
That you can't tame
- Garbage: "Stupid Girl"
ABOVE: translated from German: "close your eyes, and listen to what your heart tells you" Yep, that's why we're goths.
I've come to know the cold
I think of it as home
When there ain't enough of me to go around
I'd rather be left alone
- Guns N' Roses: "Breakdown"
I am also gothic, both by birth and by choice. I have a germanic, central European upbringing and I enjoy gothic and romantic literature (andmusic, and certain movies), including gothic horror and tragedy. In it's purest form, I love a good story - and I just seem to find one moreoften when turning to Homer and Bram Stoker , to Plautus and Mary Shelley, from Lord Byron to Anne Rice, from H.P. Lovecraft to Colleen McCullough. If it involves the darker aspects of the human psyche, I'm likelyto read it. Or watch it. Or listen to it. I do like vampires and ghosts and werewolves and fairies and dark gloomy castles in the moonlight andall that stuff.
I rise up like the Phoenix from the Ashes of an older Way
With Wisdom gained, I turn away, I turn away
Hollow Man, find yourself some other Prey
- Iced Earth: "Hollow Man"
I collect stuff. Like I said, I love a good story, and there are several good mediums for one. Books, Movies, Comics, Video Games, RPG andTabletop Games, Art, Music. And other people, of course. I collect them all. (Well, I don't collect people. The rumors that I have some in myfreezer - or parts of them - are completely untrue. But I like meeting them). One day I'll buy a house. I need more storage space!
And someday, you will ache like I ache
Someday, you will ache like I ache
- Hole: "Doll Parts"
ABOVE: Another powerful picture. Don't know the artist, unfortunately. True art doesn't need anything busy or in-your-face, but subtle, yetpowerful imagery. For example...
Ich freu' mich auf mein neues Leben
Auf alles was noch vor mir liegt
Ich habe nur noch einen einzigen Wunsch
Nie wieder stillzustehen
- Die Toten Hosen: "Testbild"
ABOVE: ...I always admired how Charles M. Schulz could get so much impression and love out of a fewpencilstrokes in his Peanuts strips.
ABOVE: Computer-generated art can be great also. The above picture is the train from Syberia , currently leaving from France through Eastern Europe into Russia to find thewoolly mammoth, and what wouldn't I give to be on it right now.
I'm an epicureanist , a skeptic , a cynic by choice ( cynicism - even self-applied - is humorous tome, although not by definition), an aspiring Toreador, an agnostic , a Gruftie , an amateur historian, a hedonist, anarcissist (some would say Metrosexual, but that depends on what your definition of the word means; its meaning has been misinterpreted,butchered, and abused quite a bit over the years), a geek , and a social darwinist . The answer to life, the universe, and everything, is, of course,still 42 . And always remember - TANSTAAFL . And if you don't know what that any of this means, just f'n google it :)
I give more than I take. I give plenty. But I do take some. Don't take unless you can give. Else, don't even bother with me.