The Indra profile picture

The Indra

and furthermore, ""

About Me

Cute. Tufts on ears. Long prehensile tail. Silky fur. Love bananas and other fruit. I'm an International performance artist: Hamburg and Berlin Germany,.. London, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Coventry and etc in the UK...all over Canada.... Jamaica at Hedonism Resorts.. .. and in just about every US state -- once, twice, sometimes thrice!!! Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Denver, Mount Shasta, Buffalo, Nashville, Los Angeles, Boise, San Diego, Mobile, Jacksonville, Hot Springs, Portland, Seattle, Houston, Dallas, Phoenix, Tuscon, Salt Lake City, El Paso, Milwaukee, Little Rock, Kansas City, Cleveland, Orlando and more, more, more! gee it's all a blur! And don't forget the CA Bay Area. And I love Vancouver!!! ........................................................... I live in San Francisco, and make one of a kind hats........ My parents are visual artists and my formal visual art background is in silver and gold smithing, and sculpture. My formal performance art training includes voice lessons, butoh, dance lessons, stage management and theater writing and direction. I love monkeys and think their habitat should be protected because it's our habitat too.OH and ANDI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Me like leaves, branches, fruit, grooming.. and other marmousets... and trees...

I'd like to meet:

Me like trees.And hey hey I'm a monkey but enough is enough... It doesn't mean I want every band on my page. I only allow retro nostalgic stuff like Ukes, Cabaret, Jazz, Comedic Country, and Goth Damaged Carnival music. And Comedy that's actually funny. So if you're a band or musician to be my friend on Myspace you ARE an ACTUAL friend of mine, or I've done a show with you, or you're Iggy Pop and you think my parody of "I wanna be your Dog" is brilliant...OK back to the original programming... Hey Hey I'm a monkay!eeep eeeep screee eep eeep!!!


The soft sounds of the rainforest.




King Kong, Godzilla (me think is monkee in lizard suit), Chim Chim from Speed Racer, Gorilla X, each and every Marmouset on the planet.

My Blog

Monkey Me and Palin Jokes At Obama-Rama

So at Hubba Hubba Review, a friend came up to me and complimented me on a joke that I did at Obamarama. I told him it was a 'repurposed' joke from an Olin Mills joke site... It went something like thi...
Posted by The Indra on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:16:00 PST

Monkey Me Hypnodrome Blooper

A reviewer from the Guardian was in the house last night. Ha. I had to do a 3 minute costume change from my character "Dirty Mary" into "Madame Toulouse". As "Dirty Mary" My face is covered in dirt, I...
Posted by The Indra on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:43:00 PST

Monkey Me Hypnodrome preview funny mess up.

We had been doing a curtain call after Slight Tingling, the second play on the bill. Jimmy and I run out after the black out and take the first bow while the rest of the cast is already in place. So a...
Posted by The Indra on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:13:00 PST

Monkey Me on the real "Joe the Plumber"

I just watched part of the interview with the real "Jo the Plumber". I love how he's so naive that he thinks if he makes 250k he'll actually be working harder.What a republican tool he is. That's a co...
Posted by The Indra on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:58:00 PST

Monkey Me is thinking Fox News is the suck.

Just watched a whole list of people denying climate change. All of Fox news... An illusion of a debate to fool and confuse people..
Posted by The Indra on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:43:00 PST

Monkey Me OMG Sarah Palin Interview with Katie Couric

Sarah Palin is an idiot. She can't even say "Iraq, Iran, or Israel" correctly!Seriously she says:"Eye rack""Eye ran"and"Is REAL"... She probably also says "New-Q-Lar"... Jesus... And her defense of he...
Posted by The Indra on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:35:00 PST

Monkey Me - Otter Time!

So Jeffrey took me to Monterey for the weekend so we could go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the otters. They had three kinds of otters, north american fresh water otters, asian fresh water otter...
Posted by The Indra on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 03:53:00 PST

Monkey Me Muni Tantrum... meh...

Blame it on hormones.I left with 50 minutes to get from North Beach to South of Market to rehearse at 6:10. Thankfully I immediately got the 30 Stockton and it sailed through Chinatown so fast I could...
Posted by The Indra on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:05:00 PST

Monkey Me winding it up in New York

Last night I was on Diana Cage's Radio show again. After we stopped bitching about what an out of touch nut bag Sarah Palin is turning out to be, Diana interviewed JD Disalvadore a gay film producer. ...
Posted by The Indra on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 10:40:00 PST

Monkey Me final "Pearls over Shanghai" and Radio Show! Yays!

So last night we closed the Howl Festival with "Pearls Over Shanghai". Then I took Kara, Rose, Stephen and I to "The Diana Cage Show" to be on International Sirius radio. We talked about our trip, The...
Posted by The Indra on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:39:00 PST