Princess profile picture


The amazing and talented ME! (Yes I am a guy.)

About Me

I've recently moved back home to S.L.C to get my MBA. Strange place for a girl such as I, I know. I was living in S.F. and Hollywood and did just about as much as I could. I was head of the wig and make dept. for the S.F. Opera touring leg. I have and Emmy and a Tony for doing hair. I was in a rock band that got to open for Cher, Foo Fighters , Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies, The Scissor sisters and many others. I've been in a shitload of intependent films, as well as major motiion pic. Was a model with a few mag lay outs (even had a Prada coat add) And can get myself into any b-list party on the east and west coast.... But now I'm enjoying hanging with my family who loves and supports me unconditionally as well as being the new girl in town that gets all the closeted married morman guys to do what ever i want... Salt Lake is a hidden secret that I quite frankly i hope stays that way... I don't need the if it were possible........ The Viedo below is my next film coming out. The other video is my friends the Scissor Sisters and I'm in that one to Just as miss Anna opens the door I'm the Blonde Behind the fence trying to attack.

My Interests

I've tried to have some. I just keep getting that blank look in my face.


Not a music freak. I don't even have an i-pod. Unless I singing it I don't pay attention


Sid and Nancy, Spice World, Romey and Michelle, What a Way to Go, singles, Leagly Blonde 1&2, Boggie Nights, Safe, Night of the Living Dead. Dog Show,Later Days And of course the ones I'm in. Raised by Drag Queens, The Stoke, El Presidente, Filthy Geourgous.


The News. Can't get enough. Morning television (Regis and Kelly, Price is right, GMA, The View ect..). Of course the simpsons like 5 times a day. And Law and Order hang over sundays. All day long.




A crazy fucked up Queen with dimentia in Amsterdam.

My Blog

Sorry I missed SF this weekend

we drove... And needless to say we broke down in bakersfeild and never made it. I'll see you in June..... -PK-
Posted by Princess on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:17:00 PST

My first day in Happy Valley (thats what the Mormans call S.L.C.)

Così sono indietro domestico ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smar ttags" />nell'Utah e whoa! È cambiato così tanto ma tuttavia ancora molto lo stessi. Il mio primo gio...
Posted by Princess on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:27:00 PST

I'm already.....

Tired of blogging.
Posted by Princess on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 01:49:00 PST

So.... Super big life change. Moving to Salt Lake City...

Voy detrás a casa a conseguir mis amos en la universidad de Utah. Trannys que va de nuevo a escuela. Mabey I puede conseguir una concesión filmarla. Soy seguro que no tienen muchos tranny en un campus...
Posted by Princess on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:52:00 PST

Boys who wanna F.*% me..Read this

  J'ai trouvé les types les plus doux pour être sur le myspace. Journalier j'obtiens des commentaires de tels cuties disant les choses les plus gentilles. Il vraiment et est truely flatter et ce will ...
Posted by Princess on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST

I'm in love!!!!!

  Mit meinem neuen Haus. I't wird das nette sooooo sein. Ich säuberte heraus und machte das Yard heute winterfest und errichtete die Tulpebirnen, die ich Haus mit mir von Holland holte. Ich ging Farb...
Posted by Princess on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 08:30:00 PST

House warming, Family and being a tranny in Utah

  ? o I estabeleciu-se no qiute agradàvel a Utá. Eu tenho que dizer que eu não falto S.F. em tudo. Eu irei para trás visitar mas não por um quando. Eu pensei para certo mim teria que mudar o alot mas ...
Posted by Princess on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:38:00 PST