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The Urban Cyclops

About Me

me...I have too many aliases...FATSARAZZI, my Urban Cyclops alter ego. I have been taking pictures for years & have built up quite a following...most of my photos are reportage of London and other City scapes and Culture I come across in my travels. WHAT, WHEN & NOW, the business side of my brain...this is a fashion inspirational trend/forecasting business...here we accumulate source info all that we see,hear & are inpsired by and advise companies of the directions they should take to keep ahead of the game...and we have some nice clients too...other than that, I am a SPOUSE, LOVER & FATHER....I could always do with more of the lover bit, but hey...you get what you get, & I love being a father....oh yes and being married to an angel aint to bad either...but damn I love a flirt....I adore those that are not us men...hey I am a professional at reading menus and not ordering...

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

photography,photography,photography...and style...all that style and mode means. art and the freedom of that expression...some would say I am a victim...not quite and a fashionista is to harsh...then there is love and life...always learning, expanding those horizons. building my businesses into epic proportions. www.fatsarazzi.co.uk , & www.whatwhenandnow.co.uk always on the hustle...

I'd like to meet:

dare I say 'like minded people' ha ha hah....no really, would like to meet people that I can learn from and be inspired by...always a learner, the day you think you know it all, you have lost your value. want to continuously expand those horizons...oh yes, and I would really like to meet Jenna Jameson...maybe one day I will take pics of her, but I would like to take them of her clothed...call me a fool...but hey, that is what I would like to do.Here are a few pictures I have taken of on on going project - CHEAP SLAVE...enjoy.And these are some smugshots...

and here is some work I recently did for UNTITLED 7 due out July 4th

...and these are a few of my KALEIDOSCAPES


my passion lies in JAZZ, since I was 11. R&B, HIP HOP when HIP HOP was something real...but god bless Kanye. D&B....all new DESI BEATS, taste of home you know, 80's...ahh those school days...had a mad crush on Siouxsie Sioux back in the day. SOUNDTRACKS...can not get enough !!! in the end there is no preference if the music touches you.


Godfather Triliogy, Goodfellas, 2001, Star Wars 1-V1 ( yes I liked them all ),Baraka, Blow, Kundun, Cyrano de Bergerac, Magnolia, Best in Show, Clerks, Zoolander, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Swingers, Made, Stir Crazy, Rumble Fish, Year of the Dragon, Easy Rider, La Haine, Do the Right Thing, Malcom X, Ali, Sleeper, Ronin, Taxi Driver, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Salaam Bombay, Monsoon Wedding, Ghost Dog, Down by Law, To Catch a Thief, 25th Hour, Hurly Burly


the Sopranos,the Office, Imagine, American Chopper (ha ha hah), Match of the Day, CSI all, Little Britain, My name is Earl, Kurb Your Enthusiasm, Ideal


all Charles Bukowski, Siddhartha - Herman Hesse, Wise Guy - Nicholas Pileggi, the Godfather - Mario Puzo, Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Art of War - Sun Tzu, Jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins, How to Make Love Like a Pornstar - Jenna Jameson, the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolf, the Age of Kali - William Dalrymple, Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien, Dune - Frank Herbert


Richard Pryor,Malcom X,J Krishnamurthi, Ghandi, Einstein,Fela Kuti, Jackson Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein, Saul Bass, Bridget Riley, Thomas Heatherwick, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Lazlo Maholy Nagy, Man Ray, Howard L Bingham, Ricky Powell, Testino, David Bailey, Ralph Lauren,Curtis Mayfield, Gil Scott-Heron, Martin Scorsese, Spike Lee, John Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Pharoah Sanders, Jon Lucien, Terry Callier, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano, Myer Lansky...and the list goes on and on...oh and did I mention Jenna Jameson and a host of Pornstars