mr. milton profile picture

mr. milton

simple - my goal, in progress

About Me

Cooking has become my passion, and recently it has been the cuisine of the Japanese that has sparked my interest the most. If anyone has any suggestions, hints, tips, recipes, etc. about japanese cooking, please let me know.

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My Interests

cooking, learning about other cultures, origami, board games (e.g. chess and backgammon), fashion, simple and practical designs, british english, and various forms of foreign music.

I'd like to meet:

The little bird outside my window that sings a very pretty song. The cat in my neighbour's yard that drives my jack russel crazy. As far as humans go though, I'd like to meet a total stranger, then have a conversation with them.


My recent "new to me" music: "Petr Leschenko" and "Nochnye Snaipery"




Keeping Up Apearances - Waiting for God - As Time Goes By


Way too many to list, and I'm usually reading something new. If you really want to know, just ask!

My Blog

humans are omnivores. period.

As the title suggest, humans are omnivores.  I.e. we have the ability to digest both plant and animal based materials.  Also, our body requires certain vitimans that can only be derived from...
Posted by mr. milton on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 08:40:00 PST


I have been wondering:  what is the ultimate goal of the veg* movement.  (veg* = vegetarianism and/or veganism)  Sure, we can live without meat, but I feel that it is only because of ou...
Posted by mr. milton on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST