WHO WERE THE MOORS? Moors are the descendants of the ancient Moabite or Hammetic peoples. When one hears of the Moorish invasion of Spain they may be under the assumption-due to traditional colonal mis-education-that Moors were Arab invaders of Africa. However, this is a misconception. According to J.A. Rogers in his classical work 'Nature knows no colorline', he states. These Africans were Moors, sometimes called Arabs because of their language". G.M. James, author of 'Stolen Legacy states, "In the 7th century A.D. the Moors, i.e., natives of Mauritania in North Africa, invaded Spain and took with them the Egyptian culture they preserved." He further states, "as such, the people of North Africa were the neighbors of the Egyptian culture, which they spread through considerable portions of Africa, Asia minor and europe." The terms negro, black, colored, Ethiopian, African, etc. used by many in referring to Moorish people is a crime against humanity. One may speak of a person's complexion as being black, brown, tan or pale, but in reference to nationhood,this is a sin. During the Atlantic Slave Trade, descendants of Africa, Moors, were branded with the name of their slaveholders; as a result of this crime, the slaves lost their true lineage, which was personified in their proper names (free and national name). The names Chong, Jose, Bob and S hoeman all tell you the nationality of those that carry them. Just as descendants of Africa were stripped of their personal identity, so were they robbed of their national names. Descendants of these slaves regardless of their pedigree have since been lumped into several conglomerations of social classifications. But this is a new time in era, when all men and women must proclaim their free and national names, in order to be recongnized by the governments in which they lived and all the nations of the earth. ISLAM PEACE N LOVE
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