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I am here for Friends

About Me

I moved to Missouri July 2006. Previously I lived in Houston, Texas for about 8 years working for a major subcontractor to NASA, in support of the International Stace Station. In fact, Dana, my wonderful bride of eight years, also works for the same company, so it seems to have become a family tradition...
I have three great children, Ashley, Ian, and Lauren that live in Calfornia (all with their mom). They're good kids (for the most part), but I'm sure they're up to no good. Even they would agree with me on this...
Speaking of being up to no good, I also have two great step children, Katie and Kelly, who keep Dana and I on our toes most of the time (when they're not sleeping, that is). :)
In former incarnations of my life I played guitar, most notably as a founding member and original "Hell" guitartist of Voodoo Church based in the Los Angeles are, and it was my style of playing that still influences their music to this day. I've written and performed songs that are still going strong, including "Live With the Dead", and "Who's Fault" (music only, for that one), which are still part of Voodoo Church's current repertoire (who perform them beautifully, I might add). My hats off to them! I consider myself friends with Tina Winter and Randy Cole (You have my full support, and not only have you carried on, but you have improved the music that has always meant so much to me). I had the opportunity to meet the guitarist (Brian Elizondo), and the drummer (Tony Havoc) for the first time recently when the band performed at the "Divas Of Deathrock" show at the Key Club in Hollywood (a couple of really nice guys!). Due to my lovely wife, Dana, I've recently decided to pick up my guitar again, and this seems to have made a lot of people happy, including myself. She is wonderfully supportive of me and my "slight" eccentricities. It looks like I will be laying some guitar tracks on Voodoo Church's next album. From what I've heard so far of the new release, this one's going to be even better than "Unholy Burial"!!! I feel so honored that they have asked my to be a part of this project! Thanks guys!!!
Take the quiz: "Who are you in South Park"

You are Timmy! You are full of spunk. You kick ass in the cripple fight, You are in a gang but your still loved. Your best friend is your pet turkey!

My Interests

Watching comedians, whether on television, DVD, or live shows is one of my favorite pastimes. Steven Lynch (It's just you and me... and your Big Fat Friend), can't forget Mark Teich , Eddie Izzard ("You must have tea and cake with the Vicar or you DIE!"), Monty Python ("I fart in your general direction") and the Redneck Comedy Tour guys (yes, I do live in Texas) are some of my favorites, to name a few.

Nothing's better to laugh at than cheezy horror movies, hence my love for Mystery Science Theater 3000 . I look forward to every new DVD release, hoping it's one I've never seen. Making fun of bad movies? Now that's what I call entertainment!

I'd like to meet:

Those who are living: Stephen King (I've read, and loved, every piece of fiction he's written), Dean Koontz (same reason), Trey Parker and Matt Stone (your movies as well as Sount Park have an insight to views not unlike my own), Joel Hodgeson, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Trace and all involved with the many incarnations of MST3K (who have provided me untold hours of entertainment, I will keep watching and "circulating the tapes" until I die), and first and foremost John Waters, who's sick twisted mind is one of pure unadulterated genius (you had the guts to carry on when the odds were against you, and because of this have become the premier underrated film maker of our time).

Those not living (no, I don't want to dig up their corpse): Serge Rachmananoff, Wolfgang Mozart (you both changed the face of music, and were the culmination of classical music perfection), John Lennon (sorry Yoko, not you), Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers (well, all except for Zeppo), and Jim Morrison. You all gave the world a piece of yourself, and because of this, made this earth a better place.


My musical tastes have always been eclectic, to say the least. I almost NEVER listen to new popular music (HATE crap like American Idol), and pop pablum like Brittany makes me phyically ill... Can't stand Country, which puts me at a disadvantage considering I live in Houston, Texas. Fortunately Houston has a broad and varied music scene that, like most major cities, is extremely active in all forms of music. RAP (Gangsta or otherwise) is completely out of the question as far as I'm concerned. I don't think I enjoy anything currently played on commerial radio today, which is a shame because great bands like Velvet Revolver definitely deserve a listen or two. I think it's something about the commerciality that puts me off...

So much for what I don't like. I can be equally at ease listening to The Wierdos' "Solitary Confinement" or 45 Grave's "Evil", as I am while experiencing the entire Mozart opera "Marriage of Figaro" (yes, ALL three hours of it) or Rachmaninoff's second or third piano conciertos. I love old Pink Floyd (Several Species of Small Fury Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With A Pict), old Iggy (1969's okay), X, and most "old school" Los Angeles bands. The Dickies have always been one of my favorite bands, and I have been known to listen to them for hours on end. Same with Voodoo Church, whose songs are completey listenable and inspiring. Even their new unreleased material is great (except maybe for their 2002 version of Eyes, just take a listen to the 1982 version). Their album "Unholy Burial" quickly became one of my favorite CDs, and I consider it one of the best concept albums I have ever heard.


Orgazmo ("Use your Hamster style, Ben!")

Cannibal, the Musical ("Fudge, Packer?")

Desperate Living ("Seize her, and f*ck her!")

Pink Flamingos ("Chickens are plentiful, Mama.")

Anything by Roger Corman, Ed Wood, and all sleezy, B-grade horror movies. (especially the original version of Little Shop Of Horrors)

Polyester (in glorious "Odorama")

Anything "MYSTed"

I could probably go on for hours with more crappy movies nobody has ever heard of...

Oh yeah, and any movie scary enough to make me piss my pants!!!


Mystery Science Theater 3000 (in all it's incarnations)

South Park

Reno 911

Can you tell I watch way too much Comedy Central?


I cannot give names of individual favorite books; I read so much, and there are so many. I guess the names of some of my favorite authors will have to do for now.
Give me weird, creepy shit, and I will read it. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Anne Rice, Douglas Preston/Lincoln Childs, and Robert McCammon are only a few of my favorite authors (I think it would be impossible for me to name them all).
I also enjoy reading Sci-Fi & Fantasy, with Piers Anthony topping the list (Pornucopia & The Magic Fart are absolutely hilarious). Of course Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimov, Whitley Streiber (is it really fact, or is it fiction???? You make the call. I guess he should have been included on the "Weird Shit" list...) are but a few that fall into this category.
Action/adventure books are always fun (as long as they're fast-paced), and Clive Cussler is probably my favorite author in this genre. Of course, there's lots to be said about Michael Crichton too, if you can make it through his in-depth analysis of every little scientific detail, that is.
Speaking of fun, Michael J. Nelson's Movie Megacheese is definitely worth a read. I spent many nights laughing my ass off reading this one. So much, in fact, that I had to stop reading this book after Dana went to sleep (I was afraid I would wake her up, laying next to her laughing out loud like a damn lunatic...). He's right, Roadhouse is the move by which all other movies are to be judged.
Non-fiction usually bores the hell out of me. If I wanted to read this crap for pleasure, I would have stayed in school. I feel the same way, for the most part, about "classic literature". Forget the artsy stuff, give me escapism any day...


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