1334, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 80..s, Aleister Crowley, anarcopunk, angels, animal rights, antiques, art, art nouveau, batcave, bondage, burlesque, Cabaret, catacombs, cemeteries, charleston, chocolat, claqué (tap dance), coffins, comics, corsets, dadaism, deathrock, decadence, demons, dolls, erotic, esoterism, expressionism, feminity, fetish, ghost stories, gothic rock, greek mythology, Guerra Civil española (Spanish civil war), play guitar, horror, horror punk, ebay,
My band--La Peste Negra, labyrinths, literature, makeup, museums, MUSIC COLLECTING (80s Post Punk vynils...Spanish and all over the world!) , new wave, nudes 1900 photos, old school goth, photography, pin ups, post punk, pre-raphaelites, psychobilly, punk, secret societies, sex,
silent movies, siniestro, skulls, spanking, straight edge, surrealism, tarot, the symbolists, vegetarians, veganism, vintage, vintage nudes, Ziegfeld Girls
¡Deathrockers, Zombies, Ghouls and Demons!
Gente anacrónica, surrealista, poética, pasional y sobre todo buscadores de infinito.
Esta noche y todas las noches...
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
"Si los mataderos tuvieran paredes de cristal, todo el mundo serÃa vegetariano"
Paul McCartney
David Bowie, Bauhaus, Christian Death(Rozz ALL, Valor only 80s), Shadow Project, Super Heroines, Antiworld, 45 Grave, Virgin Prunes,Skeletal Family(Anne Marie),The Damned, Theatre of Hate, The Pack, Sex Gang Children,The Birthday Party, Bone Orchard, Gitane Demone, Eva O,Cinema Strange,Rubella Ballet, Voodoo Church, Dinah Cancer, Daucus Karota, Bloody Dead and Sexy,Rowland S. Howard, Lydia Lunch, Teenage Jesus& The Jerks, 8 Eyed Spy, Lou Reed (70..s Period), Iggy Pop, Roxy Music, Human Disease, Madre del Vizio, Misfits, Eat Your Make Up, Chants of Maldoror, Red Zebra, The Associates, Rikk Agnew, Beast+The Veil, The Naked and the Dead, Of a Mesh, Martyr Whore, The Rabies, The Holy Kiss, Psychedelic Furs, Extremaunción, Neva, Mephisto Walz, Miguel and the Living Dead, Parálisis Permanente, Pvp, Lords of the New Church, Vidas Ejemplares, Burning Image, Cromosoma 3, The Gory Details, The Associates, Southern Death Cult, Mighty Sphincter, The Cramps, Volcanoes, Scarlet's Remains, Rosa Crux,Specimen, Euroshima, Los Estómagos, Fields of the Nephilim, NFD, The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster, Lene Lovich, Pj Harvey, Fuzzbox(First period), The Meteors, Demented are Go, Koffin Kats, Demented Scumcats, Dypsomaniaxe, Tall Boys, Penetration, Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Vice Squad, X-Ray Spex, The Clash, Rudimentary Peni, Dirt, Hagar the Womb, Crass, X-Los Angeles, Gorilla Angreb, Youth in Asia, The Adicts, Dead Kennedys, The Phantom Limbs, X-mal Deutschland, Lost Sounds, Lene Lovich, Roy Orbison, Edith Piaf, Nancy Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Squirrel nut zippers ... and all the cool Post Punk , Death Rock, Batcave, Horror Punk, Old School Goth/Punk late70..s/80..s, AnarcoPunk, Old School Psychobilly and Wave Classics.
^**^Luis Buñuel, David Lynch, John Waters(principalmente con Divine), expresionismo alemán (Kabinnet von Dr Caligari!!!), Frank Henenlotter, Lucio Fulci, Tim Burton (with Lisa Marie only, Muerte a la Bohan Carter), Roger Corman, Guillermo del Toro, Alex de la Iglesia, Samuel Z.Arkoff, Ed Wood, John Carpenter, Zhang Yimou,Roman Polanski, Jean Cocteau, Kenneth Anger, Dario Argento, 80s horror movies, Horror Classics, Troma, 50s sci fi movies,...
PelÃculas de serie B, las pelÃculas de terror de los 80, ¡¡Monstruos con cremallera!!
Rosemary's Baby (La Semilla del Diablo), Phantasm, Hellraiser, Being John Malkovich, Memento, Brain Damage, Basket Case (triology),El más allá (L' Aldilà /The Beyond), The House by the cemetery, Nueva York bajo el terror de los Zombies, Eraserhead, Edward Scissorhands, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Wild at Heart, Taxi Driver, Night of the Living Dead, Carnival of Souls, Dellamore Dellamorte, Dawn of the Dead, La Linterna Roja, Female Trouble (Cosa de Hembras), Polyester, Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom, Quills, Blue Velvet, Planet Terror, Monster in the Closet, Scanners, Asylum of Satan (1975), Ed Wood, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Labyrinth, Un Chien Andalou, Simon del Desierto, Belle de Jour, Viridiana, Fando y Lis, Lunas de Hiel, En Algún lugar del Tiempo, Shutter, Demons, Night of the Demons, Suspiria, Child's Play, Seed of Chucky, Terrorvision, Las Diabólicas (versión francesa b/n), what ever happened to Baby Jane? (¿Qué fue de Baby Jane?), The Lady from Shangai, Bailando nace el amor (You were never lovelier), Hell' s Angels (1931), Libeled Woman (Una Mujer Difamada)...
Theda Bara, Jean Harlow, Bette Davis, Rita Hayworth,Joan Crawford, Alla Nazimova, Gloria Swanson, Lily Damita, Ginger Rogers, Louis Brooks, Clara Bow, Katharine Hepburn... y otras actrices glamourosas de los años 20,30,40.... Pin ups, pelÃculas mudas varias, actores como Fred Astaire, William Powell, Rodolfo Valentino, Errol Flynn, Spencer Tracy, James Cagney, ciencia ficción de los 50...
Creo que me gustan demasiadas cosas para resumirlo aquÃ...
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THE MUNSTERS, The Twilight Zone, South Park, Sex and the City, La Bola de Cristal, Addams Family... prefiero mirar la luna. (I' d rather see the moon.) CURRENT MOON moon info
Soy una rata de biblioteca, pero no me leo cualquier cosa.
^**^Lautreámont, poetas malditos, surrealistas, beatniks,Sci-fi, terror, mitologÃa griega, cuentos de hadas, historias de fantasmas,comics, sociedades secretas,...
Novalis, Leopold von Sacher Masoch, Marqués de Sade, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Clive Barker, Richard Matheson, Boris Vian, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, André Breton, Antonin Artaud, Jack Kerouac,...
^**^Ká, Salvador DalÃ, Jean Delville,Fernand Khnopff, Felicien Rops, Dora Maar, Cindy Sherman, Man Ray, Alice Austen, John Willie, Marcel Duchamp, Frida Kahlo, Egon Schiele, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, SURREALISMO!!!!,simbolistas, pre-rafaelistas,fotografÃas de desnudos principios de siglo,...
Una de las mejores fotógrafas del sXX:
"Los Cantos de Maldoror" Lautreamont
"Las Flores del Mal" Baudelaire
"Escupiré sobre vuestra Tumba" Boris Vian
"Justina" Marques de Sade
"1984" George Orwell
"Un Mundo Feliz" Aldous Huxley
"Nadja" André Bretón
"El Amor y la Poesia" Paul Eluard
"Mi Último Suspiro" Luis Buñuel
"La Casa Infernal" Richard Matheson
"Los Subterráneos" Jack Kerouac
"Luces de Bohemia" Ramón Maria del Valle Inclán
"Altazor" Vicente Huidobro
Por ser casta y pura, por creer inocentemente en que el mundo puede mejorar confiando en la bondad del ser humano. Siendo una soñadora idealista y objeto de fetiche sexual al mismo tiempo.
VAMPIRA^**^ R.I.P 1921-2008
Adoro el terror, la serie B, las casas encantadas llenas de espÃritus, vampiros y monstruos. La imaginación no la debemos perder nunca.