music and ... music and o uhhm music?a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url( .jpg);left:0px;top:0px;height:8444px;width:1092px;" href="" m$l$
robert smith of the cure, jay robbins and blake swarzenbach
the sedan vault, soon, jawbox, jets to brazil, sonic youth, fugazi, mogwai, slint, dinosaur jr., his hero is gone, point of few, braid, ink and dagger, lifetime, botch, old man gloom, isis, the cure, second layer, comsat angels, the sound, malkovich, the mars volta, matching mole, led zeppelin, randy newman, joni mitchell, mineral, christie front drive, kill holiday, jawbreaker, at the drive in, fireside, quicksand, refused, nirvana, garden variety, etc. etc.
a nightmare before christmas and i'm a sucker for meg ryan movies, sorry I just can't help it.
anything by charles bukowski, on the road by jack kerouac, the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway and maybe some russian philosophy for some light reading every once in a while ;)
ari katz, robert smith, jay robbins, blake swarzenbach