Hey friends!
I'm living in IJmuiden very close to the beach, 5 minutes away! In my appartment, near Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Love it out here, I have been born and raised in this area! Stop by if you ever come across the Netherlands ;-) The admosphere is amazing!
I have been several times to the US, in Nashville and drove some around and came into Texas and into New York area by car, 16 hours straight ahead, all alone! Crazy? I guess so!! :-) But love it out there!!
I also have seen lots of Europe while touring with different bands. Especially Scandinavia is kinda cool! Love the nature out there! I have been in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, N. Ireland, S. Ireland, UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Kroatia, Chzech Republic, Luxembourg, Germany, Poland and Egypt but that is not Europe LOL.
With Nuclear Playground we're heading this summer of 2007 towards Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Ukrain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany and some other cool places!
I would love to see much much more of the world! Well, how could it be, I love traveling!
I am an Italian food lover so if I go to a restaurant my first choice would be an Italian, and mostly Lasagne for dinner ;-) A lot of you have possibly noticed that already LOL!
Talk to ya soon!
Pics above are from Nuclear Playground in Volta, pics made by Miranda Termaat: www.mirandatermaat.com
Pics above are the promo pics from Nuclear Playground