light, space and time screaming wind, childrens tears, KGB, the effects of radiation on the human body, what is love anyway? how do you stop time? could jessica simpson be a plastic, robotic woman?
Bowie, Biork, Beck, Andre Desplat, Mark Mothersbaugh, the Byrds, Aimee Mann, Goldfrapp,
Michel Gondry, Wes anderson, the Coppalas, Brian De Palma, Mathew Barney, Kaufman, Kubrick, Hitchcock, Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott, David Lynch, Larry Clark, Gus Van Sant
shows with the guns, and talking to dead people, and when people get their fat sucked out.
Flaunt, Vice, BLAB, Fishwrap, PELT!, STAR, juxtapoz, italian vogue, Modern Painters, Forum,
Jonannes Vermeer, Maxfield Parrish, JC Leyendecker, Howard pyle, John Singer Sargent, Andrew Wyeth, Mathew Barney, Lucian Freud, Chris Cunningham, winsor&Newton university series233, alkyds.